hey fools...for simplicity i changed my livejournal to fit everything else ... also this livejournal is very outdated and frankly most of its entries make me sick/sad/ both at the same time.... add me! ---> oodlesofn00dles
i think the thing that nauseates me most is the stupid guys that hit on my sister...i dont know why...especially when they dont do it directly they do it through me "DAMN your sister is so hot" ....ugh...fucking gag me...so yea...if u want me to hate you...do that
OMG....i just got the best song ever...and my whole day is now excellent....i have loved this song since the beginning of time...i think if someone ever sang this song to me (but they better get the accent right!) i would marry them on the spot....if "i would walk 500 miles" by the proclaimers doesn't make you happy...well...i just dont know what
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hahaha...the news coverage of the "meth problem" that is growing in america makes me giggle...especially when they talk about soccer moms that are mething it up....