Comment with y0ur name and i tell ya s0mething nice b0ut y0u.
then tell me s0mething nice ab0ut me. then c0mment 0n h0w l0ng
we've been friends. =]
i l0ve y0u, Beth
audrey you are so outgoing & have like a really good personality and i've known you since like forever...hahh we go way back to the baseball days haha you said that at the game and everyone thought you were kiddingg.. <3you
well thanks girl. yah, the baseball days were fun. glad we are still friends! it's been great getting t0 kn0w y0u again this year. we, meaning me y0u alice kristy sally, have g0t t0 hang 0ut s0metime s00n. i l0ve y0u, beth
Daniel you are da best ever beth ill allwayz be there for you cause your allwayz here for me i dont know how long we have been friends it has been such a long time love you beth tell your momma i said hey
0tay. thanks s0 much daniel. y0u've d0ne s0 much f0r me and i really appreciate that. y0u are the best. d0n't ever f0rget that i'll always be here f0r y0u thr0ugh ANYTHING! i l0ve y0u br0, Beth
oh ya i gotta say somethin about u! ok well i've known u for a long time... i dunno how long... but u kick butt ur so goofy i love it. and ur sweet and BEAUTIFUL
Comments 36
You can always make me laugh no matter how band of a mood i'm in
and since summer school before 9th grade..
and y0u have never d0ne anything wr0ng t0wards me. y0u
have such a kind heart. [ Beth ]
you are so outgoing & have like a really good personality and i've known you since like forever...hahh we go way back to the baseball days haha you said that at the game and everyone thought you were kiddingg.. <3you
fun. glad we are still friends! it's been great
getting t0 kn0w y0u again this year. we, meaning
me y0u alice kristy sally, have g0t t0 hang 0ut
s0metime s00n. i l0ve y0u, beth
p.s. y0u're g0rge0us!
f0r me and i really appreciate that. y0u are the
best. d0n't ever f0rget that i'll always be here
f0r y0u thr0ugh ANYTHING! i l0ve y0u br0, Beth
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