If I was going to go I would for sure ask you, you might be a little to hot for me, though. Of course we would be having mad wild sex after word and seeing how your 14 and im 16 that would be rape :( Im always up to party afterword, call me up. Dont even act like you cant find a date.
Comments 12
Would you Jennifer Petritis be Amanda Whites date for homecoming? *blushs* ;)
i love you :)
.. and I've been dumped two times since school started...
I think I win this one.
Liz-I'm really sorry.. boys are dumb =/ What do you win? We're still both dateless.but... don't be sad.. if you ever wanna talk i'm here! boys=rawr.
Katy-Grover.. oh yes.. lol. They still didn't tell the poor kid the truth.. or maybe it is! =O ha, just kidding. I never met him.
-andrew(im a sweet driver, lets go get slurpees)
i don't have a date either. uhh...come with?! then after, we can do the dirty. andrew can come if he wants.
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