(This is Greatestjournal.com)
This was an entry from one of my friend ( or wat you wanna call somebody)
Today was fun, i went to school and i have to write this gay essay:( but yea i got home and went on the computer 4 awhile and then i went to my nextdoor neighbors to go swimmin which was kewl and (i'll give ppl code names), ja, Dil, Joe, Dave, Chay, Bry and Tony and me of course, they all played chicken which is when u sit on eachothers shoulders and like werestle eachother, very funny to watch, lol, and then Dil and Joe were arguing and so Chay and Bry had to keep them off of eachother but then Tony kept tryin to bring them together to fight, dummy, Joe will beat the crap out of Dil so that wouldn't be a good idea and then after a while Bry and Chay were dissin eachother and im told that Bry won..umm then fist me Dave and Chay were seein who could hold their breath the longest and then Tony, Bry, and Ja joined in and yea me n chase just about won every one of the games , chay beat me out of the 2 of us..umm then i had to leave to go home, change and then eat hamburgers, which didnt taste very good and then icame down on the computer and talked to bry 4 a bit and Tay, soo yea i guess it was a pretty fun filled day besides goin to school of course, lol, welp..oh yea i got a charlie horse or sumthin in my bottom back of my leg, i cant walk on it :( Bry said it should go away soon......i think its a charlie horse cuz Chay said it was or sumthin like that, i donno it was a weird name but g2g ttyl !BUHBYE! **~ Sam ~**
Then i post a comment, Look below.
bleedingrose123 (my screen name on there)
2005-06-07 13:20 (link)
wow that all happened around here? oh gee my bad. of course i wouldn't noe. no one ever talks to me around here anymore. oh well i guess. :/
(that somebody replied to me)
2005-06-07 15:25 (link)
Well u dont like to go swimmin jessie so i dont noe y u care so much
(I replied to her reply)(may i warn you its a loooong ass reply!) bleedingrose123
2005-06-07 18:58 (link)
who said that i would "NEVER" go swimming. Just because i don't like swimming doesn't mean i don't go swimming at all. I do but just once in a great while. But yeah. Plus i think that comment was rude by you saying why do you even care. I care because i don't hang out with anyone around here. No one ever bothers to ask if i want to do anything. If you guys don't like me that much then why not say it to my face so i don't sit here and wonder if you guys would ever want me to come over and play little football or so. You hang out with them more than me and i do half those thing you do with them but you chose them over me i'd say. i haven't hung out with you for the past month or two personally. Oh yeah i see you in the morning see ya around school walk home with you. What am i, the see morning, around, walk home with buddy now? I don't ever see you now days hanging with me. We lost our friendship cause we were like whoa close. I used to hang out with you alot we would sleepover each others houses and talk all night about our life and who we liked and everything. and then highschool starts for YOU and you all of the sudden throws away our relationship that we HAD. I would call you and ask if you want to hang or watever you would say that you are busy or something and i would say you call me back. I wait for that phone call cause i want to hang with you so badly cause i haven't in awhile and then i never get that phone call that i was waiting for that whole night. I would come over and we would just wander around wonder what to do. So we would watch tv or play a game or DDR or go out side and then you would have to go in and eat or you have to go in cause you have company and come out later and i would tell you to come over when you are done or watever so we can do it all over again. I mean. Yeah summers coming up. Yeah we have all this time to hang out. But i just feel, worthless to you. you are probably sitting there getting mad over how i'm telling you how I feel and rolling your eyes. But i do have the right to speak and i do want you to know how i FEEL cause i feel like i can change that feeling back to the way it used to be. I've tried it before on your other comment but you must have deleted it or so. So imma try to do it again. But if you dislike me that much why not say so instead of bringing me down. Cause that is what you do everytime i hope for you to ring the bell, the phone ring, or if i try to talk to you you wouldn't talk much, or if i just care for you and your problem you are having you would just buzz off or watever. What did Brittany take my place. You even hang out with her more. I'm sorry if i'm that boring. But you know what. I don't even think its worth saying anymore of this crap. Cause you will probably just be like oka watever and just leave the computer like nothing happened. Like my feelings aren't anything to the world. who knows what you do. not me anymore. Well imma go now because i think i've gotten to the point where i wanted it to be.
Laters.Sorry for the Longness, Waste of time of your life.
I feel like i'm nobody to anyone. I have some other people on my list that i feel like nobody to! But i'm not going to say their names. i have about 4-5. Which is SAD!
Here i am, Nobody.