Does anyone else find it ironic that the bananas at 7-11 cost 69 cents?
I mean it's weird that they sell bananas at the register anyways, right?
I'm taking a break.
I have a fifteen page paper due in eleven hours. I am on page six and haven't slept more than six hours out of the past seventy-two. If I don't collapse before Thursday at 4:50, it will be a small miracle. As soon as my last class lets out I will be in hibernation for at least the weekend. But it's okay! I have Red Bull, 5Hour Energy Shots,over the counter amphetamines, and boundless optimism. I might be a heart attack waiting to happen, but at least I'll die knowing that I made honor roll. I am so dangerously close to a 4.0. I try so, so, so hard.
Dean's List here I come! I'm hoping for a scholarship. I'm hoping to transfer to Pratt by 2010.
My hair is red now. Another brilliant 3am idea. I guess you can't really tell from that picture though. Here's a new one:
No before pictures, because I really don't care. It's faded quite a bit, so I don't look like Ronald McDonald anymore, thank god...
What else is new? I applied for an R.A. position recently. If I get the job, that means free housing for me, which literally cuts my expenses in half. No rent means getting to keep an extra $1,000 per month in my bank account. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I've been thinking of switching my major to photo. I realize that it is a far less useful degree than graphic design, but I'm already halfway done with the program (thanks transfer credits!). I've also considered double majoring, but it would mean more summer classes and more expenses. If you'd like to offer me any advice on the matter, I'd love to hear it.
I guess I've procrastinated long enough. Paper time again.