Florecent lights buzzed gently in the gunmetal grey corridor as Dr. Vanessa Sinesis walked down it, looking in on her newest specimines. A small smile tugged at her cupid bow lips, which she caught in the wall's reflection. The smile widened a bit as she regarded her still smooth and pale skin, and her carefully styled red hair. She smoothed a
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"Hey, guys!" she hissed, hoping it would pass through the wall or window or whatever it was. "Any of you awake yet?"
He only just made it to the toilet in the corner of the tiny cell in time to hurl the contents of his stomach into the bowl. He was like that for some time, until he felt like he was about to bring up his intestines.
No…he was so not…they were not…there was just no way. Tommy sat still for a moment, letting the obvious sink in. He smiled wanly and bowed his head. Of course.
Not even free a whole day.
Zack swaggered to his feet as best he could. His head was swimming and walking felt strange. His stomach was doing things it had never done before.
"That's... That's easy enough for you to say, @$$hole! You didn't just have your whole f*cking physiology knocked out of whack!" Zack staggerred back to the bunk and plopped down. 'I fell and didn't break anything...'
She directed her attention to Tommy, who seemed to know the place. "Who is this Mantis person she was talking about?"
Because there was always testing and poking and prodding and really, at this point, he’d take Teddy’s homicidal kidnappers over revisiting that any day. Not that it mattered, maybe he should just get used to being a human lab rat. He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair.
"Okay, if I go steel, I'll be fine. I'll spring your friends and we'll make a break for it. I know it's a little kamikaze, but..." Zack paused and inhaled a deep, resolute breath. "I'll make it."
'And if not, Drew, you better have a guitar waiting for me up there.'
"What? Can't put your money where your mouth is?" Dr. Sinesis asked, her voice sweet as poisoned honey. She stepped forward, her arms resting easily at her side. "Can't take one little woman without your powers, boy?"
She stepped into the cell, ignoring Teddy.
This was a mistake.
Unlike Tommy, Teddy knew how to fight without powers, even if he was still feeling rather disoriented. And he had figured out what Kate meant. He dove for the red haired woman, grabbing both her wrists in his hands and squeezing as hard as he could. He was gratified to her something that sounded very mechanical break.
Vanessa frowned at him. "Stupid child," she chided, bringing both her legs up between them and shoving them into Teddy's chest with all her strength. Teddy gasped as he felt his ribs cracking.
Nobody that small should be so strong ( ... )
Calm down, Bishop. The Vision's probably getting a rescue party together already. Whether he's gone to the Avengers or going after more kids from the failsafe program, he's definitely going to get here eventually. We just have to last until then. Which probably means going easy on the more dramatic escape attempts... Kate felt her knees getting weak, but she pretended they'd turned to stone instead and stayed solidly on her feet. If she had to wait for a rescue, fine. But as soon as she got past this stupid forcefield, that foreign-sounding doctor-thing was going to see what her power was, collar or not.
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