My Green Henry never dies

Apr 09, 2007 14:04

The scream tore through the unnaturally silent air of the forest like a chainsaw through steel, and not for the first time, Topher found himself thinking, Why is it every woman in my life wants me dead? as he faced down a very angry Nico Minoru and her staff.

((Tag: Nico, Kristoff, Topher, and Lila))

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Comments 50

kristoffv April 10 2007, 02:29:45 UTC
Kristoff had awoken in the forest as usual, only it was not like any forest in Latveria. And the sky had changed. After sitting and thinking through his options Kristoff set out to find anything to sustain him, and to explain what had happened. When he heard the scream he ran in its direction. He could have glided over the ground but he wanted to conserve the energy of his metallic suit (which resembled Doom's) as much as possible. It had been sometime since he had been able to recharge it.

He stopped in front of the two teenagers, uncertain who was in need of saving.


evilst April 10 2007, 02:56:34 UTC
Topher caught sight of Kristoff before Nico did. “Hey! Hey! Help! Evil bitch with a magic wand is trying to kill me.”

“You tried to kill me first!” Nico retorted, trying to think of a spell she could use to summon up a big dose of sunshine.

“You can’t prove that!”


kristoffv April 10 2007, 03:13:04 UTC
Kristoff folded his arms. "If you two are only going to bicker then I shall leave you." Kristoff did not have time to deal with these fools.


runawaywitch April 10 2007, 19:03:33 UTC
“Well isn’t he just a ray of sunshine,” Topher said, leaning against one of the branches and smirking down at Kristoff… just as a red haired girl dashed between the Latverian boy and Nico, climbing right up the tree.

Nico managed a startled curse before she started gagging on the stench of rotting meat. “What the hell?”


runawaywitch April 21 2007, 18:45:20 UTC
“Alright,” Nico said, leaning on the Staff, “since you know so much, how do we get out of here?” She gave the girl a not-very-nice moving to keep Armor Boy from blocking her shot. “I’m open to suggestions.”

Topher, meanwhile was inspecting the thing, and he was thinking.


speedclonenot April 25 2007, 22:03:10 UTC
Tommy, was a bit sad. He had just ran out of zombies to blow up. He had spent two seconds wondering what Resident Evil Paradise he had been teleported to, and then spent the rest of his time blowing up zombies. Now he had run out of zombies.

In the search for more he stumbled upon the group of that consisted of a Doom Jr, goth chick, pale boy, and red head chick. Intrigued he decided to join them.

"So," he said zipping up to the pale boy, "Isn't this place great or what?"


evilst April 25 2007, 23:20:28 UTC
"Jesus Christ!" Topher yelped, leaping away from Tommy and the construct and back into the tree. He hung upside down from the branch a moment, teeth bared.

He did not like it when people snuck up on him.


speedclonenot April 26 2007, 01:14:15 UTC
Tommy didn't even try to contain his laughter. "Easy there Spike, I'm not gonna hurt ya." He glanced at the vamps teeth, "Unless you try to bite or piss me off."

He turned to the rest of the group. "S'up? You guys know where some more zombies are?"


speedclonenot May 5 2007, 03:28:45 UTC
"Right," Tommy said, "Moving right along now." He glanced at each member of their group. "Let's try that tracking spell of your's Miss Nico." He turned to eye Lila, "and you. Whatever your problem is get over it." He turned to Kristolf, opened his mouth to say something, closed it, and then said, "You I have no problem with yet other than you don't talk." Finally he turned to Topher, looked at him for a moment and then added, "You just keep looking pretty until we need you Angel."


runawaywitch May 5 2007, 23:10:07 UTC
"There will come a day when you will regret that," Topher said, growling softly.

Nico hummed the first few bars of 'Sunshine Superman' before she turned her attention to a spell to find this 'Billy'. "What we need is a good search engine, she said. A miniture version of the Leapfrog popped into existance and began hopping away. "Follow the bouncing frog," she said.


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