First week of work went well. The kids are amazing and adorable. Katie's kinda strange, though. I'd say more, but I'm too tired to actually think.
Tired of questions by 15 year olds who have never lived in the real world? Here's one for the folks who have actually lived.
1. Worst damage you ever took in a fight?
Hmmm...the only thing that's really ever been hurt in a fight is my pride.
2. Most money you ever owed a utility company?
I live in a dorm. We don't pay for utilities.
3. Last time you got kicked out of a bar?
I think I got kicked out once because I was eating at a restaurant that becomes a bar after a certain hour...does that count?
4. Longest time you slept in a car?
Normally, I can sleep for about 45 minutes at a time in a moving vehicle, but my record was probably about 2 hours.
5. Most messed up nickname you've ever been given?
Jacqueline Raishelle Shoosher-Booper Eh-eh Cherry Cheeks Twinkle Toes Slow-Poke Goodman (don't even ask...)
6. Worst job you ever had?
I haven't really had a terrible job...
7.Shorterst job you ever had?
All of my jobs (except one) have been summer jobs.
8. Longest romantic relationship?
It wasn't romantic at all, but it lasted 3 years.
9. Shortest romantic relationship?
Ummm...a few weeks?
10. Food you'd eat until you puked?
Joann's fried chicken. Or sweet potato casserole.
11. Food that even looking at makes you puke?
Bleu cheese.
12. What music brings you up when you're down?
It really depends on what I'm in the mood for.
13. Person you miss the most in the world?
My grandfather.
14. Worst movie you've ever seen?
"Logan's Run" is, by far, the most terrible movie of all time. You have to see it to believe it.
15. Best movie you've ever seen?
I could watch "White Nights" over and over. It's not a particularly great movie, but the dancing is fabulous!
16. Best restaurant you've taken a date to, or have been taken.
Ummm...actually, I've only ever been out on a date to a restaurant twice, and those were the Tuscan Oven and some country cookery place in Pace.
17. Ever almost die?
Yes, and for once, you don't get the whole story.
18. Ever fist fight a member of the opposite sex?
Not for real...
19. Best place you have ever lived?
New York City
20. Worst place you have ever lived?
Pensacola. It's not that bad, but it's not New York!
21. Bad habit you have?
Picking at my nails.
22. Noise that makes you want to punch people?
23. Your favorite tattoo?
My only tattoo.
24. Least favorite tattoo?
There's only one, and I love it.
25. At your poorest, were you a Ramen noodle or mac 'n' cheese aficionado?
I despise Ramen noodles, but LOVE mac 'n' cheese.
26. Most money you have ever spent on a single meal?
Personally? About $100.
27. Best gift you ever got?
Trip to Tampa to see Josh Groban for my 17th birthday.
28. Best pet you ever had?
Monty, my poor little chihuahua
29. Ever run from the cops?
Hell no! Most of them have little cards in their wallets with my mom's number on them...
30. Money or love?
Love, without a doubt.
31. Where did you take your default picture?
I didn't.
32. What exactly are you wearing right now?
A pair of jeans and a t-shirt from the Grand Canyon with "Peace" written in different languages.
33. What is your current problem?
Figuring out what I want to study.
34. What makes you most happy?
My family.
35. Name something obvious about you:
I really like kids.
36. Name a song you're listening to?
The last song I listened to was "Oceano" by Josh Groban.
37. Any celeb you would marry?
Hugh Jackman. In a heartbeat.
38. Current location:
Armchair in my parent's bedroom.
39. Are your parents married/separated/divorced:
My parents have been married for 22 years.
40. Do you have any siblings:
One little brother.
Who/What was the last...
Person to text you?
What did it say:
That she saw Stephen Lynch on the Today Show and thought of me.
Person to call you:
Person you hugged:
My dad.
Person you tackled:
Thing you touched:
I just rubbed my eye a second ago.
Thing you ate:
Lambert's!! That's right, we drove to Alabama for dinner. What of it?
Thing you drank:
Peach Citrus Fresca.
I'm so excited about the party on Sunday!!
Speaking of Sunday- Milena wants to go to church, but I'm obviously in no position to recommend one. She doesn't want anything too loud and rambunctious, and preferably close to my house. Suggestions?