House stuff

Oct 07, 2010 19:10


How are you all doing?^^
I'm off to university tomorrow and really excited for the new semester :-D

The last couple of months have been kinda topsy-turvy and I wasn't really in the mood for well, anything...

In case anyone cares, here are my two cents on the recent House episodes:


- Boy, this was boring XD The nice kind of boring though^^ The thing is: being only spoiled about those beach pics, I was waiting the entire episode for Cuddy and House to...well leave the apartment and at the same time really didn't want them to XD

- I was happy to see Cuddy's assistant (didn't she tell House it was a woman in 6.20 though?) for once - sure the way they used him (and the entire team btw) was totally ridiculous, but I guess they had to put at least a few scenes in there that didn't involve Lisa and Hugh.
He doesn't have to be in every episode, but I'd love it if maybe he was in one of the future episodes again :-)

- In hindsight I'm still amazed how people can watch promos XD They gave so much away already / showed stuff that was not in the episode - why just why? *puzzlement* I'll never get the appeal...

- Well, not much more to say on this one: basically 42 minutes total fan-service and what's not to love about that ;-)


- Fantastic episode all around - I loved the Potw plot: I was really sad for those lovely siblings and how they handled the Cuddy/House relationship drama. Just some minor things bothered me:

- I'm kind of sick of the "Cuddy has a fat ass and House keeps grabbing it" - thing  -_-  it's never been neither funny nor true and if this is how he decided to show his love...ugh. Fits the House is an ass-hole bill just fine though

- I miss 13 :-( Foreman and Taub are a joy to watch and Chase is a freaking jerk -_-

- On one issue I'm just going to quote Sara M:

"She's living his life, not hers," he says. Yes, because women never join science clubs. Or play sports. I know I always wished that I could join the science club, but my brother had to go and be all able-bodied, so I left that men's work to him and baked something. Actually, hold on -- what's stopping Hugo from joining the science club? I get why he can't skateboard, but science? I mean, Stephen Hawking is a scientist and he's not very mobile.

such a small throwaway line and it got me angry anyway -_-

- The scene in Wilson's office was the best of the episode - those three are just so wonderful together and the crotch grab made all the annoying ass jokes that much more bearable :-D


- Another good episode - not as great as the first two though: the writer really doesn't have the word "subtly" in his vocab, does he? -_- (after a quick research not surprising: he wrote "Knight Falls" as well and this episode was just as IN YOUR FACE)

- Oh well, the acting really made up for it - Lisa makes even the most ridiculous lines believable and sweet ^^

- I'm also very pleased with the Cuddy/House parts - there are plenty of scenes, but it's never interrupting the patient plot or "too much" - fantastic work on this so far.

What I didn't really like: 
--> the "OMG, we don't have anything in common" pseudo-problem
--> the double date - way to be completely irrationally angry, Cuddy -_-
--> the "Sam has more in common with House than Cuddy" hammer - my head still hurts, mister subtle writer XD

- Another awesome thing - especially for an Alias fanatic like me: Emily Sloane!!!  Amy Irving played the Potw very well - two great patient storylines in a row - I'm so happy *g*

That's it already :-)
Have a nice day *hugs*


house md

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