Cry Me A River

Jan 28, 2011 12:34

Title: Cry Me A River
Rating: PG
Pairing: Carlos/Reiko
Disclaimer: RPF so if you don't like that, don't read.
AN: This is completely stupid and I hope to never get another dorky ass idea like this again. But it was driving me crazy so I had to get it out. I'm sure only jimkeller24 will enjoy this, LOL.

This was inspired by this song and video. Replace what's in the video with what is in the story. Carlos and Reiko rolling around in bed while there is singing. Like I said...crazy.

Song is "Cry Me A River" by Justin Timberlake

To say she was shocked was an understatement. She’d done theater, TV, movies but this was a first for her. They wanted her to do what?

“I know you haven’t done this kind of thing before but they specifically asked for you.”

Reiko just looked back at her manager. “Julie...I don’t know.”

“Look, just go check it out. It might be fun.”

“Julie, it’s a music video. What would I even be doing?”

Julie reached into a drawer and pulled out a disc, handing it to the other woman. “They sent me the song you’d be acting for. It’s pretty hot. It’s Timberlake. Apparently he’s a 24 fan.” She smiled at the look on Reiko’s face. “Yeah, I had the same reaction but you know how popular that show was. They said they knew exactly what they were looking for and you fit.”

Reiko flipped the disc over and over in her hands considering what she was saying. Julie stood.

“Pop it in on your way over to the shoot.”

She just nodded and stood, heading to the door. Reiko stopped and asked one last question. “You said there was a male they were looking for also. Do you know who’ve they’ve asked?”

She knew that look. She definitely didn’t like that look. “I’ll let them tell you.”

Reiko clutched the bed sheet to her chest tightly. It wasn’t that she was self conscious. She’d done sex scenes before. This was different though. She’d never done one with him.

She closed her eyes and refused to give in to the fact that she’d accepted only because he was the male they had chosen for the part. Maybe if she just kept chanting that, she’d finally believe it.

“You know, if you keep making that face, I might start to think you don’t like me.” She jumped a little when he spoke. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle ya.”

She was only wearing a pair of panties, forgoing the pasties. She hated the things. But looking up at him and how much he wasn’t wearing, she thought she might have to reconsider being half nude. Carlos sat on the bed next to her and she failed to keep her eyes from running straight to the pair of black boxer briefs he was wearing. Thankfully he didn’t mention how red she got. “So, we just have to roll around on this thing while they play that song, huh?”

“Pretty much.” They didn’t get a chance to talk anymore, people came in and everything took off.

They didn’t have to speak, make any noise. Nothing they did would be heard. So she was surprised when after they told them to start, he started mumbling things into her skin. The song was playing in the background so they knew when to time certain things and that mixed with the way he was moving was making her head fuzzy.

Carlos ran one hand up her back and then back down under the covers to the outside of her thigh. Nothing could be shown so they were covered from the waist down by the silk sheets. He placed himself so as to cover her breasts from the camera. Reiko gripped his back harder when he pulled her up into him and tried to remember there was a camera swinging around them and the bed. She had no idea what he was saying but he spoke it into her jaw, her neck, her chest.

Finally he looked up at her and she shivered at his eyes. He never broke eye contact with her as he lifted the home video camera in his hand. He was instructed to hold it out, make it look like he was taping them having sex since the song was about cheating. She couldn’t take it any more and when he turned to look at the camera he was holding, she leaned up and ran her lips up his neck to his jaw. She was pretty sure from then till the end of the shoot, they hadn’t been acting.

Reiko wasn’t even sure if they’d been acting at all.

They got everything they needed and professed their thanks. It was perfect, exactly what they were looking for and they both looked great on film together. All compliments she’d heard time and time again when she worked with him.She tried to ignore it. She tried to ignore the way he watched her every move as she got dressed. She tried to ignore the voice in her head telling her not to leave alone.

She tried to ignore the fact that once he got dressed, his left hand ring finger stayed bare.


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