
May 29, 2005 11:52

I always have so much to say until I actually open this stupid little window and then they all to "whoosh" flying out of my head. Of course it doesn't help too much that my dad is sitting right there and could theoretically be reading anything I'm writing. Ah the joys of the computer being in Mantown. I'm thinking maybe, if I just go use the ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

bubbles79 May 30 2005, 20:32:35 UTC
That's funny. I was just reading my LJ and I thought, "aww, Katie". Seriously, I am so amused by the fact that Smallville makes you think of me. Of course, I would probably think of you if Degrassi came on. I would also be surprised, very surprised, since I don't have cable, but you know... I am sorry for your woes. You can always call me when you're lazy and irritable. I can take it!
I miss you. :)


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