snapwyre 1. Ever punch someone in the face?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Eat with your hands or utensils?
Depends on the situation. I usually eat bread with my hands, but pasta with a fork, for instance.
5. Do you dream at night?
Yes, but I dream more in the morning, just before waking up.
6. Ever seen a corpse?
I've been to saying-goodbye-sessions and funerals (well, cremations) of three people (at different times) - a grandparent, a great-grandparent and the mother of my then boyfriend.
7. Have you ever wished someone dead?
8. Do you like Bush, the president?
9. What's your philosophy on life? And death?
I try to be a good person not because I think I should, but because I want to be and can't imagine not trying. I don't know if there is an afterlife, I guess I'll find out after I die. Or not. That's not what I want to be a good person for though. I am a horrible goodie two shoes, but not because I feel I am obliged to - I just don't know how to be any other way and I feel fine the way I am.
There's much more to life than that, but it's too much to explain here...
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know about
it, what would it be?
I'd not do anything I didn't want anyone to know about, since *I*would know and I hate having secrets.
11. Do you trust the police?
To some extent. Not really more or less than other people or organizations - which basically means 'I'll mostly trust them unless they give me reason not to, but I won't assume they are trustworthy by definition'.
12. Do you like country music?
Depends on my mood.
13. What is your fondest memory of me?
You being supportive to me when I was feeling insecure.
14. If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
I might make my hair a little thicker and shinier, or give myself a better skin (no acne ;) ). But I would probably not bother. All the things I would *really* want to change - simple things like losing weight as well as more complex ones like being less insecure - I am working on already, and I think I would much rather have the feeling of accomplishment of having worked for them than to have it happen overnight.
15. Would you date me?
I'm taken!
16. What do you wear to sleep?
Usually nothing.
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? While you were still in it?
Hasn't everyone when they were little?
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to?
Depends... Evidence from what? Hide from whom?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
Whatever would make you happiest.
20. What is your favorite thing about me?
Blue hair! Just kidding ;)
Probably your honesty, even when I don't agree with you.
21. Do you think I'm attractive?
22. What's your favorite color?
That varies from day to day. Everything but orange, really.
23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
I couldn't possibly choose someone. Unless I owed someone a great debt or wanted to do the impossible to make them happy, then I might bring back someone *they* would want to have back.
24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you.
I actually like writing by hand.
25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Here you go...