Who: Yagami Hayate, Simon and Nia
What: Simon comes to visit Hayate, and brings Nia along.
When: Monday, April 27
Warnings: The moe-pocalypse. Seriously.
The late afternoon sun filtering into the small bookshop, Hayate looked out the window, a peaceful sort of expression on her face. A few books rested on her lap, she watched as people passed, socializing among themselves, living a life outside of that pane of glass that she imagined for them. Each one was different, completely unaware that the woman was watching them with a bit of a smile. This was what she did when it was slow - well, other than find a new book to puruse, or revisit an old friend on the shelf.
With a bit of a sigh, she tore herself away from the window, wheeling off to put away more books. It was getting on in the day, and the shop would be closing in a few short hours. She could busy herself until then.