I have not yet seen the season finale of "Fringe" -- I have been eager to watch but had a lot to do last night, so put it off. So, naturally, today I make my round of the TV/Entertainment news site, and the headlines are all, FRINGE FINALE GAME-CHANGER or FRINGE VAULTS INTO TOP TIER OF TV WITH SEASON ENDER or HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED ON FRINGE and the like. EW has two posts up so far already! So please please pretty please don't spoil me! I am trekking tonight, but hope to watch when I get home or first thing tomorrow morning.
Now, back to Trek. Got lots of Reboot movie thoughts but not much fic-writing time? You're in luck, because here and now, we have a ficlet challenge!
The rules, such as they are:
1) Just choose a prompt and write about it. It doesn't have to be a proper 100-word drabble if you don't want -- feel free to write ficlets, full-length fic or epic novels, if so inclined.
2) Post it in comments. (If by chance the story is too long for comments, you can put it elsewhere and link it here.)
3) Prompts are non-exclusive. If multiple people want to write about the same prompt, that's great.
4) As I wrote the prompts, I intended the slash mark between names to indicate a romantic connection, an "and" between names to indicate friendship/comradeship/whatever. However, feel free to turn any of the romantic prompts platonic, or vice versa, if you are so inclined.
5) Please pimp this around, leave FB for good drabbles, and have fun!
Now, the prompts:
1. Kirk, inner demons
2. Kirk, second chances
3. Kirk, nightmare
4. Kirk, you can never go home again
5. Kirk, first impressions
6. Spock, candle
7. Spock, two paths
8. Spock, freedom's just another word for …
9. Spock, focus
10. Spock, infinity
11. Uhura, discipline
12. Uhura, boundaries
13. Uhura, but for the grace of God
14. Uhura, unlikely friends
15. Uhura, Kobayashi Maru
16. McCoy, hangover
17. McCoy, fatherhood
18. McCoy, cautionary tale
19. McCoy, career changes
20. McCoy, prejudice
21. Sulu, sharp
22. Sulu, regrets
23. Sulu, the need for speed
24. Sulu, camaraderie
25. Scotty, ice
26. Scotty, happiness is …
27. Scotty, goodbyes
28. Scotty, change of pace
29. Chekhov, evacuation
30. Chekhov, exams
31. Chekhov, youth
32. Chekhov, happy families are all alike
33. Pike, resistance
34. Gaila, independence
35. Nero, patience
36. Sarek, bond
37. Amanda, laughter
38. George and Winona Kirk, I remember it well
39. Sarek/Amanda, logic
40. Spock/Uhura, rules and regulations
41. Spock/Uhura, destiny
42. Spock/Uhura, mind-meld
43. Spock/Uhura, let's get out of here
44. Spock/Uhura, silk
45. Kirk/Spock, the persistence of memory
46. Kirk/Spock, provocation
47. Kirk/Spock, back on Earth
48. Kirk/Spock, shuttlecraft
49. Kirk/Spock, jealousy
50. Kirk/Spock/Uhura, plak-tow
51. Kirk/Spock/Uhura, the better angels of our natures
52. Kirk/Spock/Uhura, water
53. Kirk/Uhura, cowboy
54. Kirk/Uhura, secret
55. Kirk/McCoy, sunrise
56. Kirk/McCoy, a change of pace
57. Kirk/Gaila, sweet little lies
58. Kirk and Sulu, balance
59. Kirk and Sulu, anything you can do, I can do better
60. Kirk and Scotty, half a chance
61. Kirk and Scotty, authority
62. Kirk and Chekhov, mentor
63. Kirk and Chekhov, optimism
64. Kirk, Spock and McCoy, debate
65. Kirk, Spock and McCoy, I report to who?
66. Kirk, Spock and McCoy, the burdens of command
67. Spock and McCoy, untold
68. Spock and McCoy, "green-blooded hobgoblin"
69. Spock and McCoy, tug-of-war
70. Spock and Scotty, one man's meat …
71. Spock and Scotty, common ground
72. Spock and Sulu, Vulcan swords
73. Spock and Sulu, many are called, few are chosen
74. Spock and Chekhov, fire
75. Spock and Chekhov, stranger in a strange land
76. Uhura and McCoy, semantics
77. Uhura and McCoy, odd man out
78. Uhura and Sulu, valedictorian
79. Uhura and Sulu, sailboat
80. Uhura and Scotty, the road not taken
81. Uhura and Scotty, whiskey
82. Uhura and Chekhov, accents
83. Uhura and Chekhov, the Farragut
84. Uhura and Gaila, taboos
85. Uhura and Gaila, house rules
86. Uhura and Gaila, advice
87. Kirk and Uhura, surprise party
88. Kirk and Uhura, hope
89. Kirk and Pike, gratitude
90. Spock and Sarek, elegy
91. Spock and Sarek, recognition
92. Spock Prime, unexpected
93. Spock Prime, you say goodbye, and I say hello
94. Spock Prime and Kirk, clarification
95. Spock Prime and Spock, on the shoulders of giants
96. Spock Prime and Uhura, a word of advice
97. Spock Prime and Sarek, upon this rock
98. Spock Prime and Pike, good fortune
99. Spock Prime and Nero, captive
100. Spock Prime and McCoy, the last word
ETA: If you are enjoying these, please come play in
the Star Trek Reboot Drabble Challenge Mark II!