Strangely for no reason I decided to start playing Rappelz again. I haven't touched the game in half a year but I realized it was still installed on my PC and decided to play. Luckily it's a free MMORPG so it fits my fickle gaming style. Play for months don't play for months randomly play the game and so on. Fun game patches have fucked up my pets so I'm at a lost there but my assassin doesn't seems to have been gimped. So all is going well until I see a a security pop up said LOL why are you still using SP2 all the cool kids use SP3. Don't you want to be cool?" "I thought the cool kids were using Vista?" "Who the fuck asked you? Just click me and step into the my van. There's cake inside!" So of course I did and the cake was a lie! Well okay it wasn't that bad in fact I didn't notice any problems. Everything went swimmingly for a few days. For a few days. Then randomly one day Rappelz refused to open. Just erroring when I tried to open it. So I thought okay maybe just reinstall it. Uninstalling it takes forFUCKINGever than I get a sinking feeling as I realized that when ever I try moving any large file it seemed to take forever to transfer. Coincidence? So I click on the file to reinstall Rappelz and nothing. Click again and nothing... Check Windows Task Manager and its running just not doing anything. So I let it go about its business until it errors. So I assume its one of three things. SP3 anally raping me in the back of its van, my hard drive is trying to tell me something (after all, large files seem to be transfering slowly now) or I've gotten a nasty Virus. So I go about restoring to before I updated SP3 only the fucker deleted my restore point. The only thing is it didn't get deleted right away because I checked to see if there was a restore point after the update. So whatever I just uninstall SP3 (BTW I find it strange that it was actually in my add & remove programs list. I don't remember SP2 putting an uninstall there *shrug*) That does nothing so I restore back to SP3 and am where I'm at now. So I'll do some diagnostics and see if I can get things worked out otherwise I'll just reinstall from scratch. Luckily my Windows install is on its own Partition so i can wipe without losing anything. Now if it happens that my hard drive is dying thats another story all together. Oh and if it is a Virus, if you happen to see emails from me about Viagra please disregard.
Lately I've been reading the archives of Nurse-kun and Blindmute loli and they've really given me a new perspective on things. Not so much in the "maybe humanity isn't as wretched as we think way" anonymous responses to the story but more in the "maybe humanity isn't as prefect as I thought it was" kind of way. No I haven't lost faith in humanity I have actually gained some. I've had this misconception that one has to be perfect to do perfect things. (I'm speaking in broad terms here so as to keep this already long post from getting longer) These guys strike me as far from perfect but they are doing perfect thing. So maybe just because we all aren't as perfect as we'd like to be doesn't mean we're fucked.
actually it isn't that long.