Title: "Different" Author: Me Rating: NC-17 Genre: angst, smut, romance Pairing: JongHo Disclaimer: unfortunately don't own them. Summary: Are "different" people allowed to find happiness? (Still suck at that)
Title: "Bliss" Author: Me Rating: PG Genre: fluff, angst Pairing: JongHo Disclaimer: unfortunately don't own them. Summary: Two people love each other, but they don't know how the other one feels. They are separated and when they find each other again, what will happen? (ugh sorry..I suck at that)
well...I'm new to LJ and uhh well...*man this is awkward* I never ever wrote any fic or something like that :O but reading some of the fics got my fingers aching you know xD well..I'll try..I can't promise anything tough!
Ps.: man this really IS awkward..sorry about this crappy post..xD don't hate me *hides*