So, tomorrow I leave for Wesleyan. I'm gonna miss all of you, and you better stay in touch. Life wont be the same without my gang of rabble rousers and trouble makers.
Take care, all of you, and come and visit if you can.
I leave Japan in 6 hours or so, and 13 hours after that I'll be back in the states. It's strange to think about, especially looking back to coming here 3 weeks ago. Everything feels so far away
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To all who are interested Next Saturday, my parents will be hosting a viewing party for the pictures Jon, Dave and I took in Japan. I'm allowed to invite as many people as the house will fit, so I want to know who's interested.
So, we leave Japan in about a week. To be honest, I'm actually kind of glad. It's a lot of fun here, but I miss everyone and as is I'm gonna have so little time with you guys before I leave for college
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A ridiculous anime involving silly caricatures of high schoolers plays on TV. Jon stares at passing girls. And next to me, Mao's brother stares at the ceiling with a stanky old kendo helmet next to his head
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