A somewhat awesome day...

May 06, 2009 00:08

Yay, I have gotten nothing done this week!!!! ( - _ - )  The only thing I really managed was helping my mom set up the new fish tank. http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/?action=view¤t=0505092349a.jpg" target="_blank">
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/0505092349a.jpg" border="0" alt="New fishtank">>  It's 43 gallons!!!!  So now which ever 2 fish keep having babies will have plenty of room compared to the 20 gallon tank.  Plus we added 5 new fishies.  I did all the arranging tho!!!!  I even used an awesome rose quartz rock that's been in our back yard since we moved in.  Don't know if anyone can see it in pic tho.  Other than that I really didn't get anything done this week.  Probably because I have been patiently waiting for my order to come..................................and finally it came !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/?action=view¤t=0505091605.jpg" target="_blank">
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/0505091605.jpg" border="0" alt="My order came!!!!">
Tee hee hee, I was having so much fun giggling that my mom was makin faces at me telling me I was a dork.  But how can I help it?  I waited and was a good girl not to go and download my cd's online like I did last time.  Makes hearing it all the better!!!!!!!  My mom likes KAT-TUN now so she was a little curious to see their cd, but the mass giggling didn't start until I opened the PS carnival dvd!!!!!  It's the LE and was not aware that I was getting an iron on patch thingy!!!!!  Then..............then I see there are little booklets inside........  http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/?action=view¤t=0505091611.jpg" target="_blank">
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/0505091611.jpg" border="0" alt="PSC photo books!!!">  It was pretty much an explosion of fangirl excitement.  Tho I was a bit sad cuz SuG and ScReW's were one book together...........just cuz they're indie doesn't mean they shouldn't get their own seperate booklet!!!!!  But I was kinda sad cuz Mic-chan only has a few more days left with SuG and he looks so happy during the festival...( o ~ o ).....( - ~ - ).....( T ~ T ).......( T o T )...........I will miss him. 
Unfortunately my dad became an ass rigth before I got a chance to start watching the dvd.  Apparantly some kid younger than me, running a light, and crashing into me 3 years ago is one of the many ways I take advantage of my dad.  And for some reason no matter what he's angry about it's always my fault......like the time he blacked out while driving in the snow and I had to crash us into a snow pile messing up his front bumper only.  But I didn't cry this time like I usually do when I get frustrated. I got so angry that my hands were shaking and I couldn't calm down.  Scratched up my arms pretty good because of it (stupid bad habits), but I did enjoy a 1 1/2 hour walk trying to leave my arms alone and trying not to break something.  Until some couple walking the opposite way on this circle path totally stepped off the path when going past me.  Was I that big I was taking up the entire path????  I was no longer angry at that point.......kinda bummed out though.  Overall......................................I am wickedly tired like my Pig  http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/?action=view¤t=0415092357a.jpg" target="_blank">
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a153/YakuzaGRL666/0415092357a.jpg" border="0" alt="Sleepy pig"> from the crazy ranges in my emotions today.  Stupid dad........i am totally telling people he's dead once I move out for good.  I'm not gonna acknowledge his existence anymore, too much work.  But the suckiest thing was my Onee-chan trying to start a fight with me as soon as I got home from my walk!!!!!  And over french fries!!!!!!!  FYI: for anyone who doesn't know me personally my sis has an eating disorder and I just have issues with food in general.......so getting into a fight about french fries is pretty serious to us, but pretty stupid for anyone just watching/listening/reading.  So I just go to FINALLY start watching my PS carnival dvd, but noticed she was talkin to my mother pretty seriously.  So I puased my dvd only to hear her bitchin about how I seem to have gotten new stuff lately like clothes and my order today.  Yes, I haven't been working for 3-4 months now and I haven't been trying so hard to find a job since I am looking into school...............Bitch has a job and can buy clothes, cd's, and magazines whenever the hell she wants to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Besides, everything was a worked out deal with my mom and I am doing stuff for her to pay it off!!!...............................................................Ahhhhhhh, that felt good to get out.  Sorry if anyone dislikes these kinds of posts, but it really gets a load off my mind and helps me relax and stop stressin about it so much.  I will try to talk about something more positive next time. ( n _ n ;)
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