Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The Vanishing Glass
Jan 09, 2015 20:36
Перед прочтением главы ознакомьтесь со значением следующих слов.
brass, noun - a yellow metal made by combining copper and zinc. [Перевод] латунь
Example: a brass plate on the door. Extract: The sun lit up the brass number four on the Dursleys’ front door.
mantelpiece, noun, = mantelshelf - a shelf above a fireplace. [Перевод] каминная полка
Example: Olivia leans against the marble mantelpiece, above which once hung a huge painting of herself. Extract: Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had passed.
shrill, adjective - (Of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing. [Перевод] пронзительный
Synonyms: high-pitched, piercing, high, sharp, ear-piercing, ear-splitting, air-rending, penetrating, shattering, strident, loud, strong, intrusive, screeching, shrieking, screechy, squawky. Antonyms: low, soft, dulcet. Example: a shrill laugh. Extract: It was her shrill voice that made the first noise of the day.
stove, noun - an apparatus for cooking or heating that operates by burning fuel or using electricity. [Перевод] плита
Synonyms: oven Example: It's very cold in the winter and the school only has wood-burning stoves. Extract: Harry heard the sound of the frying pan being put on the stove.
cupboard, noun - a cabinet or closet, usually with a door and shelves, used for storage. [Перевод] чулан
Synonyms: cabinet, sideboard, buffet; dresser, armoire, credenza, chiffonier, closet, wardrobe, commode. Example: a kitchen cupboard. Extract: The cupboard under the stairs was full of spiders.
knobbly (knobblier, knobbliest), adjective - having lumps that give a misshapen appearance: [Перевод] шишковатый
Example: knobbly potatoes. Extract: Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright green eyes.
wig, noun - a covering for the head made of real or artificial hair. [Перевод] парик
Synonyms: hairpiece, toupee. Example: Real hair wigs are definitely the better option for people who need a wig because of hair loss. Extract: Harry often said that Dudley looked like a pig in a wig.
[Лексическая справка: разница между wig, haipiece и toupee] Лексическая справка: разница между wig, haipiece и toupee The different between wigs and hair pieces has to do with the portion of the head that is covered. In almost all cases a wig covers the entire scalp while a hair piece does not. A hair piece can cover part of the scalp or may be added in with the existing hair to make the hair look fuller or longer, or to create highlights within the hair. Just as wigs come in dozens of varieties and styles, so do hair pieces. While most wigs cover the entire scalp, there is quite a bit of variation in the way that hair pieces can be worn.
Many people consider wigs and hair pieces to be one in the same, but they create very different visual effects and are used for different purposes. Both wigs and hair pieces can be used to cover baldness, but only wigs can completely cover the scalp. If a person who is completely bald or has a shaved head wants to have the look of a full head of hair, she will have to wear a wig and not a hair piece. A person who only has a section of baldness might be able to cover this section with a hair piece.
Toupee - originally an artificial curl or lock on the top of the head; a style, not necessarily a compensation for baldness. Today, a small hairpiece generally covering a bald spot. The toupee developed during the 18th century, when men and women began to comb the front hair over the top line of the wig to create a natural-looking hairline.
popkin, noun - affectionate term used for a small child, from "poppet," which is a kind of a puppet or doll. [Перевод] пупсик
Synonyms: sweetie, cutie, cutie pie. Extract: Aunt Petunia said quickly, “And we’ll buy you another two presents while we’re out today. How’s that, popkin?”
parcel, noun - an object, article, container, or quantity of something wrapped or packed up; small package; bundle. [Перевод] сверток, пакет
Synonyms: package, packet; pack, bundle, box, case, bale. Example: They found Tom Fisher standing there holding a large parcel wrapped in brown paper. Extract: Dudley grabbed the nearest parcel.
chuckle (chuckled, chuckling), verb - to laugh softly or amusedly, usually with satisfaction. [Перевод] посмеиваться
Synonyms: laugh, chortle, cackle, cachinnate, guffaw, roar; giggle, snicker, snigger, titter. Example: The King's official looked at his clerk, and chuckled quietly, shaking his head. Extract: Uncle Vernon chuckled. “Little tyke wants his money’s worth, just like his father”.
snarl, verb - (of a person) say something in an angry, bad-tempered voice. [Перевод] рычать
Synonyms: growl, gnash one's teeth. Example: I used to snarl at anyone I disliked. Extract: “And come back and find the house in ruins?” Aunt Petunia snarled.
wail, verb - give a cry of pain, grief, or anger. [Перевод] вопить
Example: She wailed something in a language I couldn't recognise and struck a pose. Extract: Dudley began to cry loudly. In fact, he wasn’t really crying but he knew that if he screwed up his face and wailed, his mother would give him anything he wanted.
gap, noun - a break or hole in an object or between two objects. [Перевод] промежуток
Synonyms: opening, aperture, space, breach, chink, slit, slot, vent, crack, crevice, cranny, cavity, hole, orifice, interstice, perforation, break, fracture, rift, rent, fissure, cleft, divide. Example: he came through the gap in the hedge. Extract: He shot Harry a nasty grin through the gap in his mother’s arms.
frantically, adverb - in a distraught way owing to fear, anxiety, or other emotion. [Перевод] отчаянно, бешено
Example: Women wept as they frantically searched for missing children. Extract: “Oh, good Lord, they’re here!” said Aunt Petunia frantically.
scrawny (scrawnier, scrawniest), adjective - (of a person or animal) unattractively thin and bony. [Перевод] тощий, костлявый
Synonyms: skinny, thin, lean, as thin as a rake, skin-and-bones, gaunt, bony, angular, gawky, scraggy, rawboned, size-zero, anorexic, (looking) like a bag of bones. Antonyms: plump, fat. Example: She was scrawny, dangerously thin some said, and stiff, as though her bones ached. Extract: Piers was a scrawny boy with a face like a rat.
bang, noun - North American a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead. (from a use of the adverb bang to mean 'abruptly') [Перевод] чёлка
Synonyms: fringe. Extract: Once, Aunt Petunia, tired of Harry coming back from the barbers looking as though he hadn’t been at all, had taken a pair of kitchen scissors and cut his hair so short he was almost bald except for his bangs, which she left “to hide that horrible scar.
knickerbocker glory, word-combination - a rich confection consisting of layers of ice cream, jelly, cream, and fruit served in a tall glass. [Перевод] брит. десерт из мороженого, фруктов, желе и сливок (подается в высоком узком стакане)
Extract: They ate in the zoo restaurant, and when Dudley had a tantrum because his knickerbocker glory didn’t have enough ice cream on top, Uncle Vernon bought him another one...
lit (lighter, lightest), adjective - having light or illumination; bright; well-lighted. [Перевод] освещённый
Synonyms: alight, spotlit, illuminated. Antonyms: dark. Extract: It was cool and dark in there, with lit windows all along the walls.
slither, verb - to slide down or along a surface, especially unsteadily, from side to side, or with some friction or noise. [Перевод] скользить
Synonyms: slide. Extract: Behind the glass, all sorts of lizards and snakes were crawling and slithering over bits of wood and stone.
glisten, verb - to reflect a sparkling light or a faint intermittent glow; shine lustrously. [Перевод] блестеть, сверкать
Glisten, shimmer, sparkle refer to different ways in which light is reflected from surfaces. Glisten refers to a lustrous light, as from something sleek or wet, or it may refer to myriads of tiny gleams reflected from small surfaces: Wet fur glistens. Snow glistens in the sunlight. Shimmer refers to the changing play of light on a (generally moving) surface, as of water or silk: Moonbeams shimmer on water. Silk shimmers in a high light. To sparkle is to give off sparks or small ignited particles, or to send forth small but brilliant gleams, sometimes by reflection: A diamond sparkles with numerous points of light.
Extract: Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass, staring at the glistening brown coils.
whine (whined, whining), verb - to snivel or complain in a peevish, self-pitying way. [Перевод] скулить, ныть
Synonyms: moan, whimper. Extract: “Make it move,” he whined at his father.
Synonyms: move. Extract: Uncle Vernon tapped on the glass, but the snake didn’t budge.
smartly, adverb - with energy; in an energetic manner. [Перевод] энергично
Synonyms: active, powerful. Antonyms: weak. Extract: Uncle Vernon rapped the glass smartly with his knuckles, but the snake just snoozed on.
knuckle, noun - a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand. [Перевод] сустав пальца, костяшка ("постучать костяшками пальцев")
Extract: Uncle Vernon rapped the glass smartly with his knuckles, but the snake just snoozed on.