Nov 06, 2008 12:45
weee ;D i love my new banner made by icecrusher-i-b !she sure made a very nice one :D sugoii neh ^^ i love it alot !arigatou icecrusher-i-b :D i will credit you once the necessary amendments for the banner is made :D
Nov 05, 2008 15:31
woooohs !made a new banner ;D bt it still doesnt seem to fit into the layout ): if i extend it ,the banner will not look good alr ._. help ?T.T i need photoshop CS2 to do some more edits and hopefully ,my bestie vinita♥ could lend me soon (: maybe she could also help me align the banner to the centre hopefully !
Nov 04, 2008 16:38
T.T grr i had a hard time editing my LJ x.x i spent hours surfing for layouts and finally got the right one with banners and now got stuck due to the banner's size ._. can anyone help me to find a banner version layout and can kindly volunteer to make a HSJ banner for me please ?):
Nov 04, 2008 13:08
yoroshiku onegaishimasu :D this is my new created LJ account !currently trying to edit it with my best shot :D hope it will look great !gambatte :D