This is a first draft to what Seiko puts her initates through in order to join the Circle of the Crone. Any ideas, comments, questions, suggestions would be lovely. Each number corresponds with a year in training.
1. Menial chores, extensive constant interview by Seiko, study in her expansive library over the many different faces of the Goddess. Are given a journal to write their thoughts and opinions in.
2. Given care of animals in atrium, more study in the library towards the religions that speak most to them, there is a vow of silence. This makes the journal the only method of communication should it be needed.
3. Given one particular set of animals to care for, are able to ask questions- but are not answered in kind, able to declare which face of the Goddess they wish to pursue. Again, the journal is a vital aspect of this part of the apprenticeship.
4. Are given the task of ensuring that your assigned set of animals mate. You will care for the older and less healthy animals as well. Seiko will allow one question a night to be answered, will test them constantly on the aspect of the goddess they wish to pursue and the basic knowledges of other religions that honour the Goddess. Are given access to journals from other members of the covenant or prior initiates.
5. Seiko will have a tutor brought in to teach the basics of whichever language is needed for the initiate to speak the language of their chosen Goddess. If it is Greek, then Greek is taught. If it is Indian, then either Urdu or Hindi, if ancient Aryan, a Sanskrit tutor is brought. If the Goddess Aspect is of a language the initiate already speaks, then there will be study on the fundamentals of that language. Are taken to India to participate in a ritual.**
6. Travel to the land at the origin of the Goddess Aspect chosen. After a few months, travel to other signifcant portions of the world to see historical sites and do brief study abroad on the cultures of other major goddess aspects. Finding other Crones who celebrate these aspects to work with initiates on their chosen path. Meeting Seiko's mentor and other interesting individuals in the Covenant.
7. The initiates must take all of what they have learned and studied and compile what amounts to be a dissertation. If travel is required, it is granted as long as the subject returns in time to present their case at a date of Seiko's choosing to a select board of three in order to show their understanding of the Covenant and their place within it. When they are done, the journals enter the library as well as their final works so that future alcolytes can learn from them. Basic Cruac rituals are allowed to be practiced at this time.
Also, during year 5, a special rite will be done. The length of the rite depends on the initiate. Seiko's extensive interviews will hopefully uncover the true face of each of her students, it's imparitive that she comes to understand them so that this ritual will be done effectively. Besides working on the spirital and educational aspects, Seiko will try to help her initiates understand the face of their own inner beast and the particular part they play in the Requiem.
There is a ritual, taken from ancient Buddhist practices where one has to face and meet their vices in an attempt to overcome them. The actual ritual is done by the act of understanding which Vice pushes their dark desires and then being led to an open grave where they confront the corpses of those that best symbolizes that Vice. Therein for 21 nights, the initiate must sit over selected corpses doing meditative exercises they were previously taught in preperation in order to associate their Vice with these decaying corpses in some manner.
If gluttony is a sin, for example, there may come a time where the corpse may need to be consumed.
The point is to emphasize virtue over vice, yet experience the darkness of their existence in a controlled manner. There may be many nights of fasting, each experience depends on the initiate.