1/17 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Ai Miyazato x Sho Sakurai round 2, perspective & marriage? the word who supported no.1 of the world. 宮里藍×櫻井翔第(2)弾未来予想図&結婚は?世界一位を支えた言葉▽
1/20 19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV drama fight against “School!!” team “スクール!!”チームと対決 fight against team “School!!” Yosuke Eguchi, Ki Kitano, Takashi Tsukamoto, Shohei Miura and other!! and Chihara brothers. Plus one guest of Arashi is Chihara brothers.Jun Matsumoto and Chihara junior as combler, they wear same shirts, Junior surprises “is it unexpected pair!?” “this could hardly happens, I think I can make it today!" Kazunari Ninomiya name them Blue Shirst A and B and cheers them.江口洋介、北乃きい、塚本高史、三浦翔平らドラマ“スクール!!”チームと対決 千原兄弟ほか
江口洋介、北乃きい、塚本高史らドラマ「スクール!!」チームと対戦。嵐チームのプラスワンゲストは千原兄弟。「クリフクライム」では、クライマーになった松本潤と千原ジュニアが並ぶと、同じシャツを着ていたことが判明。ジュニアは「まさかの“おそろ”!?」と驚き「こんなことなかなかない。きょうはいけそう!」と意気込む。二宮和也も二人をブルーシャツA、Bと命名し、声援を送る。 Yosuke Eguchi first participation. Takashi Tsukamoto disclose secret of Sarkuai, Kii Kitano declare to win and Arashi in pinch! Chihara junior laughing cliff climbing. odd combination with Matsujun, Fight against drama “School!!” Chihara brothers joins Arashi team. at Cliff climb, CHihara junior and Jun Matsumoto challenge, junior has unexpected week point has been disclosed. and Tsukamoto of School team disclose conversation on the phone call with Sakurai江口洋介初参戦、塚本高史が櫻井(秘)暴露、北乃きい勝利宣言で嵐ピンチ!!千原J爆笑崖登り&松潤と珍コンビ 江口洋介、北乃きい、塚本高史、市川実和子、三浦翔平、ふせえりのドラマ「スクール!!」チームと対決する。嵐チームには、千原兄弟が加わる。「クリフクライム」には、千原ジュニアと松本潤が挑戦。しかし、ジュニアに思わぬ弱点があることが発覚する。一方、スクールチームの塚本は、桜井翔との電話でのある会話について暴露する。
1/20 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS [VIP room] Yukie Nakama, “I’m not interesting woman.”Yukie Nakama shocking word! Arashi present battle in earnest! [mannequin 5 extra version] Sho Sakurai who was unsold most yearly fashion training. 【VIP ROOM】 「私、つまらない女なんです」仲間由紀恵が衝撃発言で嵐がなぜか全力でプレゼン対決! 【マネキンファイブ番外編】 年間最多売れ残りの櫻井翔のオシャレ修行を決行!Yukie Nakama appears at VIP room, Sho Sakurai discipline for bottom of Mannequin five (changeable) Yuki Nakama as guest of VIP room.Arashi fight presentation battle “make Yukie Nakama get into!!” for Nakama who feels disturbed however she was asked. Sho Sakurai introduce charm of training machine “Compu trainer” and Nakama experience the course. Kazunari Ninomiya and Satoshi Ohno compete 300m run. and Ninomiya show his magic, takes trump magic instruction to Nakama.he performed in front of members of Arashi. Jun Matsumoto introduce Tapper that Nakama wantsVIP・ROOMに仲間由紀恵が登場!!▽櫻井翔が“マネキンファイブ最下位修行”へ(変更あり)「V.I.P ROOM」のゲストは仲間由紀恵。インタビューで“今ハマっていること”を質問されても、回答に困るという仲間のために、嵐が「仲間由紀恵をハマらせろ!嵐のプレゼン対決」を行う。櫻井翔が、トレーニングマシン「コンピュトレーナー」の魅力を紹介し、仲間は実際のコースを体験。二宮和也と大野智が同マシンで、300m走対決で争う。また、二宮は自分の得意なマジックを挙げ、トランプマジックを仲間に伝授。仲間は嵐のメンバーらの前で披露する。ほか、松本潤は仲間が欲しいというタッパーを紹介する。
1/21 23:00 Hitoshi Matsumoto xx story FTV Kazunari Ninomiya guest is Kazunari Ninomiya. they taste Junichi Komoto’s mother home made cooking. Ninomiya who was asked his mother’s home made cooking. “As I’m from Katsushika-ku, I eat Monja-yaki at home.” makes Hitoshi Matsumoto and other surprisedゲストは二宮和也、はるな愛、ミッツ・マングローブ。後藤輝基、藤森慎吾、彦摩呂、河本準一の母親の手料理を試食する。おふくろの味を聞かれた二宮は「東京・葛飾区出身なので、家でもんじゃ焼きを食べます」と答え、松本人志らを驚かせる
1/22 5:30-8:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV interview with Kazunari Ninomiya and Kenichi Matsuyama in video
1/22 15:30 - 17:00 Arashi ni Shiyagere, best episodes. NTV 1) Ameagari Kasshita VS Arashi, young popular comedians break into!! Ninomiya shock with Matsuko comedian 2) Nobuhiro Takeda and Zakiyama bliend date party with Arashi. matsujun strategy (1)雨上がり決死隊VS嵐若手芸人軍団が乱入!!マツコ芸人に二宮衝撃(2)武田修宏&ザキヤマ嵐が合コン…松潤悲劇
1/22 19:00-19:54
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba Kazunari Ninomiya sets apart animal babies二宮和也が動物の赤ちゃんを引き立たせる▽サイドカー ほか 大政絢 志村けん 山瀬まみ 相葉雅紀 タカアンドトシ ベッキー tonight is Arashi special! Aiba-kun does live at studio. what is machine to make inadequate exercise puppies enjoy and Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi and got baby kangaroo with Harisenbon. Nino show his unexpected skill at cooking!?
今夜は嵐スペシャル!相葉くんがスタジオで生マサキドットコム。運動不足のワンちゃんを楽しませちゃう最新マシンとは? さらに嵐・二宮和也がハリセンボンと超かわいい赤ちゃんカンガルーを飼う!ご飯作りでニノは意外な才能を発揮!?
1/22 22:15-23: 09
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV learn charm of Aomori from Kenichi Matsuyama! Aomori Quiz, gourmet and others.松山ケンイチから青森の魅力を学びやがれ!▽そうだったのか青森クイズ▽グルメ ほか 嵐 Kenichi Matsuyama who loves Aoyama… appears Gatun! talk passionately 6 of same generation.Is it so!? Aomori, give instruction of charm of Aomori that even Arashi doesn’t know, Arashi get embarrassed Aomori quiz! and B level Aomori gourmet one to another!.青森を愛する松山ケンイチ…ガツンと参上…同世代6人で熱く話す▽そうだったのか!?青森…嵐も知らない青森の魅力を伝授…青森クイズに嵐困惑!さらに青森B級グルメ続々 Good looking actor from Aoyama Kenich Matsuyama appeared gatsun! “Is taht so Aomori?” learn charm of Aomori that Arashi even doesn’t know. Arashi got trouble with Aomori quiz. and B class gourmet that Matsuken accolade! Ninomiya stunned… Kenich Matsuyama good looking actor from Aoyama appear gatsun! talk of same generation! Matsuken has trauma of blind date party. Congratutaion, Shinkansen in service in Aomori. lean charm of Aomori from Matsuyama Aniki (actually younger than Aarshi…) who loves passionately Aomori. extremely difficult Aomori quiz! Aomiri quiz that even Matsuken doesn’t know. Arashi also got trouble. B class gourmet one to another… yummy rice cake soup & exquisite back ribs grill & soup fried noodle that Matsuken get excited. and make Aopmori T-shirts by 6. At “do Close Encounters of the Third Kind” Matsujun learns secret formula of Kimono boys.青森出身イケメン俳優松山ケンイチ…ガツンと参上!▽「そうだったのか!?青森」嵐も知らない青森の魅力を学ぶ…青森クイズに嵐困惑!さらに松ケン絶賛青森B級グルメも! 二宮ア然…青森出身のイケメン俳優松山ケンイチがガツンと参上!嵐&松ケン…同世代で語る!松ケンは合コンがトラウマ!?▽祝!新幹線開通で熱い青森を愛する松山アニキから嵐の知らない青森の魅力を学ぶ!…超難問青森クイズ!松ケンも知らない青森クイズに…嵐も困惑▽青森B級グルメ続々…美味せんべい汁&絶品バラ焼き&松ケン興奮つゆやきそば…さらに6人で青森Tシャツつくりやがれ…▽未知…松潤が着物男子の極意を学ぶ!
1/22 22:54-23:00 Gantz ni Shiyagare, NTV Kazunari Ninomiya
1/22 25:00-26:00 The Restaurant that actors gathered,TVA Masaki Aiba Strongest secret favorite gourmet. Masaki Aiba vs popular comedians!! secret restaurant Ishihara productions teams frequent.最強(秘)大好物グルメ俳優が集うレストラン相葉雅紀VS人気芸人!!石原軍団が通う(秘)名店
1/23 8:00-9:30 Sunday Next, NTV interview with Kazunari Ninomiya
1/24 5:20-8:00 Zoom in Super!, NTV Kazunari Ninomiya 映画「GANTZ」LAプレミア 二宮和也さんと松山ケンイチさんが舞台挨拶 Gantz premier Kazunari Ninomiya-san and Kenichi Matsuyama-san stage greeting,
1/24 13:55-15:55 Miyane-ya, NTV ▽映画「GANTZ」で嵐・二宮と松ケンがスタジオ生出演 movie Gantz Ninomiyaof Arashi and Matsuken appear studio in live.
1/24 21:00-21:54 Fukaii Hanashi (deeply good story), NTV Kazunari Ninomiya Reason why kazunari Ninomiya want to be idol not actor▽二宮和也が“俳優”ではなく“アイドル”である理由ほか introduce post about Ninomiya. he is flourished as actor, and appears many dramas and movies, but he insist his title as idole. what is the reason to make Shinsuke say “perfect”?また、二宮のことに関する投稿作品を紹介。俳優としても活躍し、多くのドラマや映画に出演する二宮だが、肩書はアイドルであることにこだわっている。島田紳助に「完璧」と言わしめたその理由とは。
1/24 24:29 Gantz countdown , NTV Kazunari Ninomiya 5 more days
1/24 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya 続々 石川遼×櫻井翔対談“理想の大人”とはwhat is ideal adult? talk of Ryo Ishikawa x Sho Sakurai▽嵐・二宮和也が明かす俳優としての顔 the face as actor that Kazunari Ninomiya of Arashi lets out
1/24 25:55-25:59 Bartender PR, TVA Masaki Aiba
1/25 24:29 Gantz countdown , NTV Kazunari Ninomiya 4 more days
1/25 25:55-25:59 Bartender PR, TVA Masaki Aiba
1/26 Sekai Gyoten news NTV Kenichi Matsuyama
1/26 24:29 Gantz countdown , NTV Kazunari Ninomiya 3 more days
1/27 19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV Rabbit year team Akira Fukuzawa, Haruhitko Kato, Takeshi Tsuruno, Akimasa Haraguchi, Riko Higashio, Hanako Yamada,“ウサギ年チーム”とゲーム対決! ほか 福澤朗 加藤晴彦 つるの剛士 東尾理子 山田花子 嵐 Akira Fukuzawa vs Masaki Aiba “just meet” name-taking? Haruhiko Kato, Akimasa Haraguchi mimic relay at cliff climbing, Hanako Yamada gives lecture to Takeshi Tsuruno! Riko Higashio also got excited! biggest happening happened ever in VS Arsashi history happened.
1/27 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Yuriko Yoshitaka and Arashi are lovers? sweat at family restaurant, why attach? pet / Mannequin 5 with “winning parker” serious battle ▽VIP・ROOMは吉高由里子▽マネキンファイブは“勝負パーカー”でガチバトルほか(変更有) VIP room guest Yuriko Yoshitaka, if Yuriko Yoshitaka is your girl friend? mysterious world of original Yoshitaka burst. “want to have human as pet” unexpected shocking her word. Arashi becomes her pet!? Mannequin 5, shocking post from audience “my 7 years old son doesn’t wear parker any more…” parker battler 2nd round is held! any new coordination that could be beyond legend double parker could come out?VIPROOM(ゲスト:吉高由里子) もしも吉高由里子が彼女だったら? 吉高独特のこだわりで、不思議ワード炸裂!「人を飼いたい」まさかの衝撃発言で嵐5人が吉高のペットになる!? マネキンファイブ 「7歳の息子がパーカーを着てくれなくなりました・・・」衝撃の視聴者投稿で“パーカー対決第2弾”を開催!あの伝説の“ダブルパーカー”を超えるコーディネートは表れるのか!?
1/27 Hitoshi Matsumoto xx talk, FTV Kazunari Ninomiya
1/27 24:29 Gantz countdown , NTV Kazunari Ninomiya 2 more days
1/27 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV interview with Kazunari Ninomiya
1/28 Oha 4 news! NTV Gantz movie introduction
1/28 MXTV, Gantz movie introduction
1/28 Friday Movie, NTV Gantz movie introduction, cast comment.
1/28 23:00 Hitoshi Matsumoto xx story FTV Kazunari Ninomiya guest
1/28 26:23-26:53 Cinemaga special version Gantz releasing special show Kazunari Ninomiya . not only Kazunari Ninomiya but also Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kanata Hondo, Natsuna and other special interview too. MC Kyaiin does complete analysis
1/29 13:59-16:55 ep.1-3 My Girl, TVA Masaki Aiba
1/29 16:00-16:55 Gantz US releasing memorial Nino-Matsu in Los Angeles NTV . Complete report of that Gantz ni Shiyagare team of stage greeting first ever same day in Japan and US. ad-lib mission attack to Kazunari Ninomiya and Kenichi Matsuyama in L.A. too.
1/29 19:00-19:54
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba ハリセンボンは俳優・竹野内豊と沖縄で赤ちゃん探し!超かわいい犬の赤ちゃんに竹野内豊もメロメロ~!そしてハリセンボンから嵐・相葉くんに超迷惑な攻撃が!! annoying attack from Harisenbon to Aiba-kun.
1/29 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV leans “secret formula of talking alone” from Chihara Juninor, C hihara surprised too Sho Sakurai 30 sec talk千原ジュニアに“1人しゃべりの極意”を学ぶ▽ジュニアも驚きの櫻井翔30秒トーク learn secret formula of talking a lone from Chihara Junior. to learn talk skill Izakaya (Japanese bar) talk it important千原ジュニアから“一人しゃべりの極意”を学ぶ▽トーク術を学ぶには居酒屋トークが重要 Arashi is shockint too, talking alone secret formula that Chihara junior teaches. Sho Sakurai challenge skill to talk within time. Arashi panic by ad-lib chatting.嵐も衝撃…千原ジュニアが教える一人しゃべりの極意▽時間を決めて話す超絶ワザに櫻井挑戦…即興しゃべりに嵐大パニック even Arashi got shock, Chihara junior his business secret that is shown on TV for the first time “secret formula to talk by your self” “today it’s going to be hard” extra hard skill to talk within 30 sec. Sakurai shows his talk skill. Matsujun challenges “Arashi good strory.” (just like Deeply Good Story)嵐も衝撃…千原ジュニアがテレビ初!企業秘密公開「1人しゃべりの極意」を嵐に伝授…「今日は大変だ…」▽「30秒で話す」超絶ワザに櫻井話術披露&松潤挑戦「嵐イイ話」
1/29 22:54-23:00 Gantz ni Shiyagare, NTV Kazunari Ninomiya
1/29 24:50-01:20 Cinetsu Kazunari Ninomiya comment"
1/29 24:30-25:25 Masaki Aiba’s Mission Bartender! special version
1/30 23:30 Music Lovers, NTV Arashi Premium, good tunes, include never seen video. precious talk.Love so Sweet, One Love, Troublemaker that were aired. and never seen-video talk. and Arahi come to studio, ask them impressive past appearance.
1/31 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
1/31 13:59-14:55 ep 4-5 digest My Girl, TVA Masaki Aiba
1/31 25:51-25:55 & 26:34-26:40 Bartender PR, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/1 13:59-14:55 ep6-7 digest My Girl, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/1 25:56-26:00 & 26:39-26:45 Bartender PR, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/2 13:59-14:55 ep.8 My Girl, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/2 25:56-26:00 & 26:39-26:45 Bartender PR, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/3 13:59-14:55 ep.9 My Girl, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/3 19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV fight against movie “Gene Waltz” Miho Kannno, Miho Shiraishi, Mirei Kiritani, Rina Katase, Mari Hamada Takuma Otoo
2/3 19:56 -20:54 Guru Guru Nitynine, NTV Kaszunari Ninomiya Yuriko Yoshitaka to Kabuccha Yayo grourment project pick from 3 options.
2/3 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Miho Kannno to VIP room. Kenichi Matsuyama to Ippatsu Gambler
2/3 25:56-26:00 Bartender PR, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/413:59-14:55 ep.10 My Girl, TVA Masaki Aiba
2/4 23:15-
Bartender Masaki Aiba who made first leading role at serial drama My girl last year, he came back Friday night. 2nd leading role drama, he piece is "Bartender" original is popular serial at "Super Jump"since 2004 sold over 2.5 million copies. What Aiba act is genius bartender who heals clients hurt feeling., Ryu Sakarua. we can't miss new part of Aiba who enhanced his reputation at My girl as actor! Bartender usually upstanding air-head character usually but once he is at counter, genius bartender that always keeps trust with customers. Ryo Sasakukra is genius bartender with brilliant technique and deep knowledge, as he has faith "bartender always keeps trust with customer" he winds down lambently tenderly customer's feeling with "warm butt-in"but once he is at counter he behaves as skilled bartender, but usually he is completely different, artless and lovable air-head character, as this persona has 2 different side, new frontier that Aiba pushes start anticipating. To act genius bartender he got instruction by professional bartender and he is currently training from technique to behaviour. Aiba as bartender is also highlight. Core is romance and growth, faith encounter with rival, one-shot episodes. Bar an abditory of adult and healing place, what work there to heal customer is bartender, Bar (perch) + tender (tenderness) actually Bartender is tender perch of customer who visit with various problems. At bartender, Ryu Sasakura after return from Paris, after buming along, he restarts from scratch as bartender. he guided customers in the solution of their head scratcher about work, love, family and other with a glass of cocktail.and he provides bliss healing to his guest and audiences. Also, Ryu's growth progress that seeks ultimate cocktail, and love with core of story Miwa Kijima, faith encounter against Ryuichi Kasahara who is called "Mr. Perfect and his master, Goro Kato, however it's serious elements but full of comedy test of Ryu's character is inserted in plenty, make wind down audience, this is adult entertainment that fulfil feeling as tender perch.
Miwa Kijima, magazine reporter, it was year ago she heard about “God’s glass” from her gland father, Taizo Kijima. Bartender never betray the guest who face across counter. and it was only selected man can make ultimate glass that save
1年後――。美和はジャパンカクテルコンテストの会場へと足を運んでいた。目的は特別ゲストであるバーテンダーに会うこと。そのバーテンダーとは、パリのラッツホテルで腕を振るう佐々倉溜(相葉雅紀)。日本人で初めてヨーロッパのカクテルコンテストで優勝した天才バーテンダーだった。この人ならきっと究極の一杯を作れるはず――溜にずっと目をつけていた美和の心は躍っていた。ところが…。当日会場に現れた特別ゲストはまったく別のバーテンダーだった。溜はラッツホテルを辞めて行方不明となり、急きょ特別ゲストが変更になったらしい。ようやく会えると思ったのに…。落胆した美和はその夜、馴染みの定食店「さくら食堂」へ。そこで彼女は思わぬ人物と出会い頭にぶつかる。その相手はなんとずっと捜し求めていた溜だった! 美和は思わず溜に抱きつき、カクテルを作ってほしいと頼む。ところが、溜は「ごめん。俺、もうバーテンダーじゃないから」と言い、その場を去ってしまう。
翌日、美和は溜がバイトしているという酒販売店を訪ねる。美和は昨晩ぶつかった時に壊れたメガネの弁償として、溜にカクテルを作らせることに。溜はしぶしぶ了承したかと思うと、いきなり外へ飛び出した! やがて、発砲スチロールの箱を手に戻ってきた溜は箱の中の氷を使い、鮮やかな手つきで一杯を作る。しかし、それはカクテルではなく、水割りだった。お酒の味も分からないような小娘だとバカにしているの…!? 美和は思わずカッとなるが、口に含んだ瞬間、その味わいに愕然となる。「これって水割りじゃない。水割りという名のカクテルだ…」
2/5 19:00-19:54
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
2/5 22:15-23: 09
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
1/11 Arashi ni SHiyagare
1/18 VS Arashi
1/19 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
1/25 Arashi ni Shiyagare
29 January 2011
Gantz part I Kazunari Ninomiya Kurono who is job hunting college student see Kato a childhood friend of primary school at subway platform. Kato, a strong sense of justice tries to save a drunkard who fell to rail track. He get hit by train with Kurono who lends a hand…. Next moment, they are in a room of apartment. Died people as them /are gathered there. A mysterious sphere Gantz shows its bizarre presence in the center of living room. They can’t get back to their life unless they have to clear the aliens-hunt mission of that Gantz gives. They continue to fight against heteromorphic aliens without knowing who they are in order to save their own life. However they realize life and death, that fighting in the incongruous world is getting hard. Advance ticket on sale 30 Oct
23 April 2011
Gantz Part II
God's medical report Sho Sakurai Ichito Kurihara works at small hospital in Shinsyu area, an internal medicine specialist who is not good at being sad. Here, doctors are always badly off. To remedy not his specialty area is his daily happening, also can’t have sleep for 3 days also his daily happening. He handle daily medical care cooperating with richly-experienced nurse and a friend who has character but a brilliant doctor. One day he has offer from his college, If he would back to college he can get more days off and increase time to spend with his sweet wife. But why not to have a doctor who faces to patients who are considered too late by college university or big hospital. It was -unexpected gift by Azumi-san who is old age cancer patient gives someone a supportive push to Ichito who struggles.
coming winter 2011
Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno
Mitsuya Cider Sho Sakurai
Super Mario Brothers, Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
3/22 House Foods,
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
3/27 Eizai,
Chocolat BB Royal T Kazunari Ninomiya
4/2 Eizai,
Chocolat BB Royal 2 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/19 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all
Mario Kart Wii, Kazunari Ninomiya & Jun Matsumoto
Muhi, Masaki Aiba
Mario Galaxy 2 Kazunari Ninomiya & Masaki Aiba
Pino Sho Sakurai
JC- Kazunari Ninomiya
KFC havanero boneless, Satoshi Ohno
au bathroom Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba
Tanrei Green Label, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
au bathroom Sho Sakurai & Jun Matsumoto
Wii party, all
Mitsuya Cider ”want to drink" version Sho Sakurai
7/15 Kose,
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
Hitachi appliance Sho Sakurai Masaki Aiba
JAL, movin'on
Hitachi appliance All,
Soup de Okoge Kazunari Ninomiya
Hitachi appliance Kazunari Ninomiya
Super Mario Brother's wii Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
+ Water Jun Matsumoto
+ Water on sale version Jun Matsumoto
9/25 Kirin,
Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
Hitachi appliance Satoshi Ohno
10/18 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all.
10/28 KFC
Chicken pot pie Jun Matsumoto
Wii sports resort Masaki Aiba x Satoshi Ohno
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
Hitachi appliance Jun Matsumoto
JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
Chocola BB Kazunari Ninomiya
+ Water new version Jun Matsumoto
Wii Donky Kong Returns Sho Sakurai x Jun Matsumoto
1/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
Nintendo 3DS, all
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
2/18 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
1/1 Sakurasaku life, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/1 Yomiuri Newspaper, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/1 Town Harima, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/1 Sky mark, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/1 boom. Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/4 Dime, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/4 The Television cover: Masaki Aiba Arashi making shot, follow year end too new year special issue inside of shooting, never seen photo
1/6 Hanako, serial "Arashi-san of Himitsu no Arashi-chan"
1/6 Margaret Masaki Aiba
1/6 TV Life new year special, new year Arashi special long waited double new serial starts!! “Arashi ni shiyagare” special cross talk, Masaki Aiba “Bartender” centre book special Arashi never seen photo and gravure pictures.
1/6 TV Pia Arashi new year dream shot, Masaki Aiba
1/6 Da Vinci Kazunari Ninomiya
1/7 Skawaii Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
Wink Up,
Potato, serial “Around Arashi”
Duet, serial ”Monthly Arashi-ism”
1/7 Anne Can Johnny’s Ani! men: Masaki Aiba
1/7 Flix plus Kazunari Ninomiya Sho Sakurai
1/7 Cinema Cinema, Gantz special cover: Kazunari Ninomiya Matsuyama Kenichi
1/7 Cinema Square, Gantz special cover: Kazunari Ninomiya Matsuyama Kenichi
1/8 Comptique, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/8 The 21, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/9 Edge style, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/10 Silver industry newspaper, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/12 Baila, special interview Masaki Aiba
1/12 Cutie, Gantz interview Takako Yoshitaka
1/12 Elle Girl, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/12 An an,comic special, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/13 Miracle Jump, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/14 Mari Mari, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/14 Orista Gantz special, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya Matsuyama Kenichi
1/15 Monthly Songs, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/15 Cinema club, Gantz movie introduction Kazunari Ninomiya
1/15 Spoon, Gantz special cover: Kazunari Ninomiya Matsuyama Kenichi
1/21 Yomiuri newspaper, Gantz interview with Kenichi Matsuyama.
1/21 New family, Gantz movie introduction
1/21 This movie is amazing, Gantz movie introduction
1/21 SCREEN, Gantz movie introduction
1/21 Tokyo Calendar, Gantz movie introduction
1/15 Location Japan, God’s medical note on site shooting report Sho Sakurai
1/19 Cut Sho Sakurai
1/20 Hanako, serial "Arashi-san of Himitsu no Arashi-chan" Masaki Aiba
1/20 TV Pia Masaki Aiba
1/20 Switch Kazunari Ninomiya
1/20 H Kazunari Ninomiya x Kenichi Matsuyaya
1/20 Non no, serial “2/ Arashi”, Masaki Aiba
1/20 Susumeru Pia, Kazunari Ninomiya Sho Sakurai
1/21 Gantz Official Book Kazunari Ninomiya,
1/22 Soda,God’s medical note site report Sho Sakurai
1/22 Popolo, “Arashi Express” God’s medical note site report, Sho Sakurai , Gantz movie introduction Kazuunari Ninomiya T-shits present
1/22 Myojo, Gantz interview Kazunari Ninomiya
1/22 Tokyo Calendar, Gantz movie introduction Kazuunari Ninomiya
1/22 FYTTE, Gantz movie introduction Kazuunari Ninomiya
1/22 JUNON, Gantz movie introduction Kazuunari Ninomiya
1/23 Biteki, Gantz movie introduction
1/23 Myojo, interview Kazuunari Ninomiya
1/23 Wink up, interview Kazuunari Ninomiya
1/24 Monthly The Television, cover: Masaki Aiba ,serial ”monthly Arashi”
1/24 Monthly TV Navi Masaki Aiba
1/24 Montly TV gude cover: Arashi, Arashi surprise book
1/24 Digital TV guide Masaki Aiba
1/24 CHOKiCHOKi, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 TVfan, cover: Masaki Aiba, interview (Kazunari Ninomiya Kenichi Matsuyama)
1/24 TVTaro, interview (Kazunari Ninomiya Kenichi Matsuyama)
1/24 Montly TVnavi, interview (Kazunari Ninomiya Kenichi Matsuyama) Jun Matsumoto, Satoshi Ohno
1/24 TV Navicover: Masaki Aiba, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 street Jack, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 Figure Ou, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 Monthly Town Magazine Awawa, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 FAVO, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 Tokyo Walker, interview (Yuriko Yoshitaka), Gantz movie introduction
1/24 Monthly Oriyama info, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 Monthly Palett, Gantz movie introduction
1/24 GQ, serial the way to be gentleman.
1/24 Monthly The Television, cover: Masaki Aiba, serial monthly Arashi.
1/24 Monthly TV Guide (former TV Japan) cover: Arashi, Arashi surprise book
1/24 Digital TV guide, Masaki Aiba.
1/25 asatan, Gantz movie introduction
1/26 Japanese movie navi, God’s medical note site report Sho Sakurai
1/26 weekly The Television, winter week Jun Matsumoto long talk and full of exclusive projects. 1/26 concert DVD release, 1/29 Kazunari Ninomiya starring Gantz release, 2/4 Masaki Aiba starring Bartender starts, and other fierce busy Arashi week.
1/26 weekly TV guide cover:Kazunari Ninomiya Kenichi Matsuyama, serial “Arashi-bin”
1/26 anan cover:Masaki Aiba
1/27 Young Jump, Gantz interview with Kazunari Ninomiya
1/27+Act Gantz Kazunari Ninomiya x Kenichi Matsuyama 12000 letters long talk, God’s medical note site report Sho Sakurai
1/27 Montly Exile, Gantz movie introduction
1/28 City living, Gantz interview with Kazunari Ninomiya
1/28 Miss, Gantz movie introduction
1/28 More, serial Itto Kazunari Ninomiya, Gantz interview (Kazunari Ninomiya Kenichi Matsuyama)
1/28 Nylon Japan, Gantz Interview with Natsuna
1/28 Orista, Book in Book Arashi 10-11 tour report
1/29 Living newspaper, Gantz interview with Kazunari Ninomiya
1/29 Nikkan Sports, Saturday Johnny’s Masaki Aiba
1/22 Press net, Gantz movie introduction
1/31 Gantz Jump j book
2/1 Efil, interview with Masaki Aiba
2/2 TV Guide, serial Arashi-bin
2/2 Weekly The Television
2/2 TV life, cover: Masaki Aiba, serial “Arashi ni Shiyagare” serial Masaki Aiba “cocktail talk”
2/2 TV Pia, Masaki Aiba
2/2 TV Station, front page Ineterview: Masaki Aiba
2/4 Orista, serial, “secret of Arashi”
2/7 Duet
2/7 Potato
2/7 Winkup
2/7 Fujin Koron, the faces popular 5 Arashi show
2/9 TV Guide, serial Arashi-bin
2/9 Weekly The Television
2/10 Hanako, serial “secret Arashi-san of Himitsu no Arashi-chan.”
2/10 Casa Brutus, serial Sho Sakurai and architecture.
2/11 Orista, serial “secret of Arashi”
1/10 17:00 Gantz coming-of-alien ceremony, 16:00- open the site
1/20 10:00- Gantz Pre-release Kazunari Ninomiya
1/21 10:00- (Japan time) Gantz in US Kazunari Ninomiya
1/24 Pre-release in Osaka Kazunari Ninomiya
1/29 9:00- 12:40- Gantz stage greeting, Scala-za Kazunari Ninomiya
1/22-2/7 10:00-18:30
Dango Takeda fantastic costume design exhibition (Gantz costume designer)
1/26 Gantz Original sound track
ARASHI 10-11 TOUR Scene, the scenery that you and I are watching at 2/23
Lotus, special edition 1. tune.2. TBD song. DVD of Lotus PV general edition 1. Lotus, 2. TBD song, 3. Boom Boom 4. lotus karaoke, 5. TBD song karaoke, 6. Boom, Boon Karaoke.
3/16 Permanent part timer buys a house DVD
4/8 Ohoku DVD and Blu-ray, limited edition and general edition.
This week word by Jun-kun
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 137 3 Jan
Enjoy vol.70 updated 30 dec (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 73 updated 20 Jan (update every 10th and 20th)
Prince Satoshi no Hitotoki 24 June
serial Tokujo 21 March
No. 1 (Aiba~ one) 14 Sep (last)
My girl mail: 12/11
Annoying mail from all 6 Oct.
Annoying mail from Aiba-chan 17 May,
Annoying mail from O-chan 16 Mar 3 Sep
Annoying mail from Sho-chan 17 Jan
Annoying mail from Jun-kun 9/3
Tenkimi mail from Nino: 9/24
Ura Arashi 2010: 8/21: Aiba-chan, 8/22 Nino, 9/3: Sho-kun, 9/4: O-chan 10/29 Jun-kun 10/30 O-chan 10/31 Nino,11/13 Sho-kun, 11/14 Aiba-chan,11/19 Jun-kun,11/20 Aiba-chan,11/21 Sho-kun, 12/4: O-chan, 12/5: Jun-kun, 1/15:Nino
Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked
Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed:
TV Guide,
The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed:
TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu:
Hanako every Friday Orista
Wink up,
POTATO 20th:
Non-no 2/ Arashi
Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya
Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982