many things grow in the garden that were never sown there

Jan 10, 2025 19:45

68 days until the vernal equinox

I went to the MFA to see the O’Keefe and Moore exhibit in that nemontemi between Xmas and New Year.
And it was packed.

Henry Moore - Working model for Standing Figure: Knife Edge
It's a bird's sternum.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Red Tree, Yellow Sky
It's not a tree, though, it's a piece of wood painted up close.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Red Hills and Bones
Due to some odd weather they had back in the 60s (she should really see nowadays; it hasn't rained in Los Angeles since May) and a government culling of feral horses.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Horn and Feathers
Dunno, looks more like a sandworm to me. Definitely apocalyptic and ruinous though.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Ram's Horns I

Georgia O'Keeffe - Mule's Skull With Pink Poinsettas

Georgia O'Keeffe - Horizontal Horse's or Mule's Skull With Feather
I can now remember that there are two f's in O'Keeffe but now I want to add an extra E at the end.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Ram's Head, Blue Morning Glory

Barbara Hepworth - Rock Form (Porthcurno)

Arthur Garfield Dove - Tree Trunk

Alexander Calder - 4 Woods (Diana)
Named for the Roman goddess of the hunt and the moon.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Auutmn Leaves - Lake George, NY

Georgia O'Keeffe - Abstraction
One of her three sculptures, created after the loss of her mother.

Henry Moore - Reclining Figure
It's based on a chac-mool statue. Well, the statues are called Chaacmol but a publisher mistook it as chac-mool.

Henry Moore - Mother and Child

Henry Moore - Working Model for Stone Mountain

Georgia O'Keeffe - Untitled (Sacsayhuamán)
This is the wall of an Incan citadel.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Shell no. 2

Henry Moore - Maquette for Mother and Child

Edward Weston - Shell and Olla (top), Shells (bottom)

Georgia O'Keeffe - Storm Cloud, Lake George

Arthur Garfield Dove - Clouds
It's painted on a zinc plate and uses a piece of sandpaper as the shoreline.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Calla Lily on Gray

Georgia O'Keeffe - Calla Lily in Tall Glass, no 2.

Edwarad Weston - Skull and Rock Arrangement (top), Orchid (bottom)

Georgia O'Keeffe - Blue Line
She denied any intentional sexual imagery in her works.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Shell and Old Shingle I

Georgia O'Keeffe - Shell and Old Shingle II, III, IV

Graham Sutherland - Clegyr Boia
A rocky outcropping in Wales.

Ceri Richards - The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower
That's a line from a Dylan Thomas poem and also the name of a band.

Helen Phillips - Mantes religieuses (top)
Jean (Hans) Arp - Scène vég´tative, ronde de danseuses

Charles Green Shaw - Polygon
The liminal space between a sculpture and a painting.

Jean (Hans) Arp - Le fils du nombril

Georgia O'Keeffe - Alligator Pears
Which is another name for avocado

Georgia O'Keeffe - Canna Leaves

Bret Weston - Rcok Form, Point Lobos
Edward Weston - Concretion, Colorado Desert (2x)

Henry Moore - Group of Shelterers during an Air Raid
Moore was one of those 100,000 who took shelter in the London Underground during the Nazi terror bombings. Moore took notes and then drew these from memory.

Henry Moore - Sculpture Settings by the Sea

This is a replica of Henry Moore's workshop.

I'm not typing all that.

All objects by Henry Moore.

Henry Moore - Atom Piece (Working Model for Nuclear Energy)

Henry Moore - Family Groups

Henry Moore - Studies for Sculpture in Various Materials

Henry Moore - Reclining Figures: Study for Sculpture

Henry Moore - Head of UNESCO Reclining Figure

Maria Montoya Martinez (Poveka or Water Pond Lily) and Popovi Da - Feather Plate

Anonymous Taos Pueblo artist - Double-handed food bowl
The clay has mica flakes.
Angie Yazzie - Squash Bowl

Georgia O'Keeffe - Cliffs Beyond Abiquiú, Dry Waterfall

Georgia O'Keeffe - Gray Wash Forms

Georgia O'Keeffe - In the Patio no. IV

Georgia O'Keeffe - In the Patio I

Georgia O'Keeffe - Patio with Black Door

Georgia O'Keeffe - Grey Hills

Georgia O'Keeffe - Black Place II
The Black Place is what O'Keeffe called the Dééł Náázíní wilderness of New Mexico
I've noticed that Diné bizaad uses a very similar orthography as Polish, with ł and ą and ę. No ś and ż though. To make up for it, they have ǫ. And they sometimes put the ogonek and kreska together. ą́. į́.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Black Place I
She compared the hills to a troupe of elephants.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Patio Door with Green Leaf

Henry Moore -

Henry Moore - Bird Basket

Henry Moore - Reclining Girl: Shell Skirt (left)
Henry Moore - Head: Boat Form (right)

Or, wait a minute...

Henry Moore - Head and Ball


Georgia O'Keeffe - Turkey Feather with Horseshoe II
At least her titles are nice and self-explanatory and the only thing I have to worry about is selecting e-mail image and not copy url when I will never, ever, ever, EVER, EVER e-mail an image.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Feather and Brown Leaf

Georgia O'Keeffe - Dark Rocks

Georgia O'Keeffe - Mask with Golden Apple

Georgia O'Keeffe - Canyon Country, White and Brown Cliffs

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pedernal (top)
Georgia O'Keeffe - Hills Before Taos (bottom)

Georgia O'Keeffe - Purple Hills
Georgia O'Keeffe - Back of Marie's No. 4
Or maybe I switched the two. They both look like they could be purple hills, depending on your definition of purple.

Henry Moore - Upright Motive maquette no. 1

Georgia O'Keeffe - Grey Cross with Blue

Georgia O'Keeffe - From the River - Pale
Or, rather, it's a tree branch.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Black Rock on Red

Henry Moore - Working Model for Locking Piece

Henry Moore - Working Model for Upright Internal/External Form
Or maybe it's Helmet. Sometimes I get enough of a description to work with here. But other times, I get this.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Leaf Motif no. 2

Georgia O'Keeffe - Jack in the Pulpit no. 3

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pond in the Woods

Georgia O'Keeffe - A Piece of Wood I

Georgia O'Keeffe - Abstraction

Georgia O'Keeffe - The White Calico Flower

Georgia O'Keeffe - The White Flower (White Trumpet Flower)

Georgia O'Keeffe - White Iris

Georgia O'Keeffe - Series I White & Blue Shapes
Again, any resemblance to genitals is entirely on you.
(oh no, I can just see how an algorithm might misinterpret this image because they can hardly handle Ren of Ren and Stimpy)

Oh, she did paint a datura flower. It's in Indianapolis.

Georgia O'Keeffe - White Rose with Larkspur no. 2

Georgia O'Keeffe - Abstraction White Rose

Something something Henry Moore

Henry Moore - Thin Reclining Figure

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pink Shell with Seaweed

Georgia O'Keeffe - Red Hill and White Shell

Georgia O'Keeffe - Fishhook from Hawai'i, no. 2

Georgia O'Keeffe - Spring
An antler, a cow's spine, and primroses

Georgia O'Keeffe - Deer's Skull with Pedernal

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pelvis with Distance

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pelvis IV? I can't read that.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pelvis with Pedernal

Georgia O'Keeffe - Pedernal - From the Ranch #1

The Green Line was packed too which is why I’m glad I drew those people waiting before I got on. It was one of those one-car Green Line trains.

Meredith was reading a book called Humans: A Brief History of How We Fucked It All Up. There’s a hand on the cover and a blot of ink covers up the u in the word fuck.

There was a conversation in Slovak because one of the people I drew was from there though she didn’t see it until well after. They were going to the Gardner Museum before going home to Slovakia.

I took a one-car Green Line train back to Park Street. I’d say it was the same one but this one announced the stops instead of first showing Haymarket (which is in the other direction) and then showing Heath Street.

Maddy says she wishes she was an artist. Maddy, Julia, and Cat were talking about something and the only thing I could make out is “you stole from Santa?”

Kate says she can barely draw stick figures. She does a bit of sewing, though. Kate’s pendant is amber.
Celia has mesopelagic blue hair, a septum piercing with spikes, snakebite piercings on her lip, moon pendants, a necklace of black beads with a crucifix, a necklace with various silver charms. Charis, which comes from a Greek word meaning kindness, grace, and charm and has the same roots as charity and charisma, just has a cross necklace. They both got off at South Station.

burning question: who the hell asked for a Melania Trump biopic?

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