Man, it's been awhile. Procrastinating with finishing the layout, but I think I might actually post more in the future. Anyway! This is basically a repost of what I said in the DGM Mangahelper 199 discussion thread:
After having time to slowly process the whole chapter, I think the chapter makes perfect sense and is definitely less crack-ish than initial impressions make it out to be, though it does take time to get over it. I'm much more happy with it than I thought I'd be~♪
The last few glances we had of Kanda and Alma looks as if Alma is a goner, but I wonder if there isn't someone in Martel (who might, or might not be from the third side) who would help Kanda keep a part of Alma alive. It would be a sad and complete waste of effort if Kanda manages to get them both away but be the only one left standing. T_T
With these developments, I feel more strongly about the fact that the war is more than just 'Noah vs. the Order', and those that fight in it shouldn't be categorized into these black and white roles. One problem with the Order is that despite their sincerest wish to end the impending doom the only way they know how, they're hurting/killing themselves in the process. What makes it worse is that they don't even know what the real problem is. With the Noah being practically immortal by also being the whole human race by default, manpower isn't exactly the cure here.
The previously perceived hierarchy of the whole series is shifting into a less conventional form as we're getting closer to approaching the 'heart' of the matter and I'm super psyched about it!
Somethings I left out because I realised how tl;dr my post there looked:
- Seeing Kanda being grateful at Allen for being there and even thanking him, I got some serious 'the light in the darkness' vibes from Allen. Adding to his 'radiant' aura is how he always does what he can for the happiness of those around him, i.e. bringing Alma closer to Kanda and also sending the both of them away at Kanda's behest. All this makes me harken back to Lavi's words from back in chapter 110: It's as if like the light, you're going to disappear... Allen's chances for surviving after the series is pretty much nil, isn't it?
- There's been some serious shipping overtones in recent chapters, but I prefer to see it as something deeper than the 'gotta have sex' kind that's waaay too over-prevalent these days. Despite the lingering feelings of their previous selves, Kanda and Alma love each other as close friends so I think the whole issue about woman's-soul-in-male-body isn't really going to do much to change that.
- I hope that the Order changes for the better; they've improved under Komui and co.'s supervision and most of the people there just want to do what's right (though some are bigoted). Things might get sticky after this incident but, as blasphemous as even I think this is, I actually have some faith in Leverrier. o_O
Edit: I just realised that Allen is totally shirtless in this chapter (excluding the Crown Clown parts) but the injuries and scars were in the way. Still,
I've been totally wrong with my assumptions about DGM in the past, so I'm feeling kinda insecure about posting my impressions on my own blog where it'll be a stark reminder of how wrong I was and of how my naive ignorance is showing. But then, these long ramblings are probably perfect for filling up all this empty space.