friends only

Dec 24, 2015 10:05

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Comments 154

x_brokenleaf September 26 2007, 17:22:25 UTC
Yaay! Friends already <33

But this made me giggle though ; Hikaru~♥ (yamapi_chan) wrote on December 24th, 2015 at 10:05 am
Semi-friends only

I also want to know how the furute is !!! =DDD Haha <33


yamapi_chan September 26 2007, 18:30:12 UTC
XDDDDD +dies+

Yeeees is a future post XDDD but in this way the post can be sticky and on top at my journal XD and the normal post are under this future-post XDDDD +dies again+


yuya_lovah October 10 2007, 16:45:35 UTC
Anche se non mi piace il verde, mi fa schifo l'HiroSuke, detesto i Junior, amo l'Akame, posso esserti amica??*_*
e SaI Ke KoSi è FiKo?XDD


yamapi_chan October 10 2007, 16:50:25 UTC
Sei un'idiota xD

Potrei avere tante altre belle parole da scrivere e da dirti eh XD ma ti lascio col beneficio del dubbio su quali siano XD perchè non ho words XD

uNa MeRaVigLIa XD


yuya_lovah October 10 2007, 16:54:04 UTC
- Demente
- Cretina
- Scema
- DeficIente
- Spastica
- Mongoloide
- Colei che si farà Taisuke
Non me ne vengono in mente altre u_u

RiCoRdAtI Ke l'AkAmE dOmInA ♥♥♥♥♥♥


yamapi_chan October 10 2007, 17:06:08 UTC
çOç oh che brava çOç sei superiore per questo sapevi tutte queste parole u_u
Hai dimenticato stupida sisi u_u

Bello l'avatar di matachan eh XD così bello preso u_u aveva anche un onigiri in mano XD



yuya_lovah November 1 2007, 18:42:49 UTC
YoU mUsT mAkE mY wAlLpApEr u_uv wItH DON TAISUKE èOé


yamapi_chan November 1 2007, 19:47:54 UTC
Sometimes I think that you aren't so normal XD
I've done it anyway XD


fireflower90 November 4 2007, 08:46:34 UTC
Hey fellow fangirl xD I was wondering if I could add you as a friend? I'm a huge fan JE jrs mostly, some seniors too.
AND SENKAIDO IS LOVE ♥ :D My favorite jr units are Question? and well, Ya-ya-yah. Taiyou, Taiyou, Taiyou for my part <3
My favorite senior unit is NewS too xD Though I like TOKIO and Kanjnai8 too. KAT-TUN are ok too, but I'm not that much fangirling over them..


yamapi_chan November 4 2007, 12:46:37 UTC
Sure, you can!!XD I add you immediately =D

Waaaah a Question? fan! It's a good thing, I like them!!
They deserve so much more love and attention into JE <33
I like Akun into the Question? I see also the yaoi between him and Daijiro +coughs+

Yay!! Taiyou is love ♥
I like Tokio too <3 even if they aren't my favourite, but they're good XD


kate64100 November 22 2007, 15:42:34 UTC
You love Hikaru? Yaoi? SenKaido? TakaSuke? HiroSuke?
Kyaa, I love you already. xD
Hikaru, Hikaru, Hikaru... *o*
But is he your, right? xD

Hm, can you recommend me a good (or less good) TakaSuke? Because really hard to find it. Sometimes, accidental yes, but... Eh. xP


yamapi_chan November 22 2007, 16:00:11 UTC
Yay XD I love Hikaru, Senkaido and those other pairs XDD even if senkaido it's my favourite *_*
Waaah, nice XD +hugs+

oooh XD +dies+ I've noticed that you have understood already about Hikaru XDDDD

mmh I've read Takasuke only in italian, because my friend Yuya_lovah ( I think that you know her already XD) have written them, and I've written a Takasuke by myself XD one day probably I'll translate it in english if you want read it XD When I will not be too lazy o.o


kate64100 November 22 2007, 17:53:42 UTC
SenKaido is most cute. *o*
But... hm, I don't have a favourite pairing. I must to change it. xP
I know that It's nice. Because it's I. *modesty mode on* xD

I like a such things. Hikaru is yours, Takashi is mine... Right? xP

Yes, I know her. Unfortunately only little, but I know. xD
If I want? Obvious! I want! xD
And I believe in you. You won't too lazy. xD


yamapi_chan November 23 2007, 14:31:11 UTC
I'll try to convert you completely for Senkaido pair xD this will become your favourite pair *_*

I prefer Hikaru so much more than Nika, don't worry xD
oook XD I'll try to don't be too lazy u_u


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