Of Spongebob (Drabble)

Aug 19, 2009 18:39

Title: Of Spngebob

Pairing: Ryoda

Rating: Fluff

Summary: It’s too short to have a summary.

Disclaimer: I own them alright. *piesmyface*

Notes: Came from Miru’s text. :)

Ryo and Ueda were the perfect couple except there was one problem: Ueda was autistic.

But even though he was like that, Ryo loved him so much. They’ve been together for 2 years and if that isn’t enough proof that Ryo loves him then I don’t know what is.

One day, Ryo decided to propose to Ueda. So, he arranged for him to meet him at the park at 7 in the evening. At seven on the dot, Ueda was waiting for Ryo by the fountain in the middle of the park. He was getting really impatient when he felt two hands over his eyes. He lowered the hands which automatically slid down to his waist and turned around. He came face-to-face with none other than Ryo and started to giggle only to be silenced by a kiss. They broke away for air and Ryo took Ueda’s left hand and kissed it. The smaller one kneeled down and pulled out a small leather box and opened it.

“Ueda, will you marry me?” He asked with hopeful eyes.

Ueda started to giggle and said,

“But I want to marry Spongebob!” Chuckling was heard.

Ryo felt like his heart was ripped from his chest and stomped on. He stared into space for a while when he felt a tear roll down his cheek followed by another and another until it all came down. Ueda stopped laughing and looked at Ryo with sadness and pity. He crouched down, wiped the other’s tears and smiled sweetly. He lifted Ryo’s chin so that they were looking at each other eye-to-eye and smiled sweetly.

“Would you be my spongebob?”

A/N: I think I failed. T_______T Anyways, comments are ♥♥. Okaaaay, so onto the announcement. :) I’m here to tell you guys that I’m LEAVING THE RYODA FANDOM. I don’t know when I’ll come back or if I’m ever coming again but I just need to time. :] I guess to put it bluntly, I’m just not as addicted like I used to be before. Now, you can find me in the HSJ fandom. :) If you’re also addicted to HSJ, please add the other me. ;> I hope you guys understand. I almost made someone cry because of this [You know who you are.]. I also hope you guys won’t be mad at me for my decision and don’t hate HSJ. It’s not them, it’s me. :) Again, I hope you guys understand and won’t be mad at me or go bashing HSJ. Well, this is my farewell to Ryoda fic. I hope you guys liked it. :D

fluff, *fic, t: of spongebob, p: ryoda, fanfic, genre: pg

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