Here is the second part of the Pi-centric con reports! Sorry it's taken me a while to post these up! But! Since there's always a few months every year where there's pretty much no Pi news at all, maybe it's actually a good thing to have the Pi news last us a long time this way? XPPP
J/k j/k.. I swear I'm not trying to build up the suspense on
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Comments 26
That’s why I said he went crazy today!,Yamapi came out and immediately lay on the ground… He said that we weren’t screaming loudly enough, kept lying on the ground and telling everyone to scream louder....>>>that really cute....he used his cuteness again..XD
ah...I wish i could be there..hehe
thanks for sharing this,yamasugee-san..^_^
really love this reports..^_^
Yes, that is the plan of many Pi fans, borrow a baby and wave it at Pi when he passes by.. LOL
Yes, Pi was really high during these concerts! He's always super cute when he gets all randomly hyper. <3
I also posted part 3 of the fanreports if you're interested. XD
i will read it now..LoL..XD
Loving all the moments described! Especially the talks, and Pi being all hyper. So cute! <3
Thanks a lot for this. ^^
I just added part 3 if you're interested! =P
oh my god~
you killed me lots of time with this!
my heart cant take any more of his cuteness~~~ *doki2*
A mother very rapidly shoved a one year old kid into his arms!
i screamed at this!!
And then all the members said that if Yamapi cosplayed as a girl he would be cute.
There were two times during filming when he was seriously knocked down, like at first the light was still above his head, and suddenly he was on the ground.. And he thought at the time that he never wanted to do boxing again.
SUCH A BABY!!! but you work had yamapi!! thanks for always giving all your best in everything you do!! we surely will watch it! even though not contributing to the ticket sales there~ i wish i can go there and watch it in cinema~~ TOT
and he changed it to “Your hip ga bump”, and then immediately put his hands together like he was apologizing.. And I thought, what a good boy, he didn’t even say anything that bad, but he got all embarrassed XD
awww kawaii na yamapi~~ <33 ( ... )
I loled too at the mommy's shoving their babies at Pi, hilarious.. As Pi gets older and his fandom too, I wonder if more people are going to show up at his concerts holding kids? hahaha
AnJ filming sounds intense, poor Pi. I'm looking forward to the release, but it's gonna take so long for the DVD to come out! I wanna see it noooow! Hope it comes with subtitles like Buzzer Beat XD
Yes, he seemed super relaxed and happy for this set of concerts, after such a long time of no NEWS activity. Glad you enjoyed reading! :D
i'll never get bored to read about their concert.
my tomo ..... *.*
i love him with the kids.
and i'm waiting for his role as a father someday. :P
Yes, he seems to be in better shape, I'm glad the grueling AnJ filming is over. Looking forward to the DVD release, but that probably won't be for another year. :(
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