(no subject)

Jul 12, 2005 09:55

who was the last person you talked to on the phone? melissa=)
who was the last person you talked to in person? my dad
who was the last person you talked to online? rachelle
who was the last person you hung out with? melissa
who was the last person you saw? my dad
who was the last person you took a picture with? melissa
who was the last person you danced with? idk, lol probably melissa
what was the last thing you ate? waffle
what was the last thing you drank? orang strawberry and banana juice!
what was the last thing you did? tryed calling melissa but shes sleeping
what was the last place you went? melissas house
what was the last movie you saw? war of the worlds
what was your last phone-call about? umm melissa coming over and just random stupid stuff that i bable about lol
what was your last Instant Message about? stuff idk whats with these questions
where did you go yesterday? ...my house...
where are your parents? moms at some work thing and dads upstairs
where do you keep your diary? dont have one
where are you at now? my house
where were you last week? i went to the movies
where were you the day 9-11 occured? school
where do most of your relatives live? NH
when was the last time you showered? yesterday
when was the last time you updated xanga? dont have one
when was the last time you hung out with your cousin? ha i dont even know
when was the last time you took a bath? when i was about 8
when was the last time you brushed your teeth?about a hour ago
when was the last time you were at the mall? july 7,2005
when was the last time you were absent? when i had a doctors appointment
why are you taking this survey?because i tried calling melissa and she didnt answer so im bored
why are you online? ^
why did 9-11 happen? because osama bin ladin was made fun of as a kid
why did they invent pencils? to eat
why are most things made in China? because we like to staels thigns from them because there smart
why are there such things as "magnets"? to make sure your fridge doesnt fall, like a belt
why did they come up with school? to keep us out of the house while our parents do stuff
how old are you? 15
how many siblings do you have? 3
how many rooms are in your house? umm in my side theres 10 and idk how many are on my uncles side but probably like 7
how many pets do you have?3
how many TVs do you have? 5
how many computers do you have? 1

name: Pat
nicknames: p ru, pj, ruelle, or hey kid watch out
sex: i dont quiet know
age: 15
birthday: may 22
height: like5'5
hair col0r: brown
eye col0r: greenish brown
location: en tu madre!
fears: ...
pepsi or coke? neither
lefty or righty? Righty
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
dog or cat? dog
girls or guys? ...
black or white? ...
innie or outie? Innie
third boob or third buttcheek? i have a third boob!
freak dance or slow dance? slow dance
rap or r0ck? rock
mcdonalds or burger king? mcdonalds
boyfriend or best friend? both
lizzie mcguire or even stevens? even stevens!
VMA`s or grammy`s? VMA's
SECTiON 3 [»] TOP 5
( LEAST favorite songs)
1[»] that stupid song about bananas
2[»] "yeah"
( favorite bo0ks)
1[»] perks of being a wallflower
2[»] cut
3[»] the lovely bones
4[»] the da vince code
5[»] speak
( favorite movies)
1[»] the nightmare before christmas
2[»] dumb and dumber
3[»] edward scissorhands
4[»] bourne identity
5[»] and umm dik!

turn on`s -> eyes, hair, talkative
turn off`s-› smelly !!!
d0 you have a BF/GF -› no, im married
are you allowed a BF/GF-› not by my wife!
if not, w0uld you disobey that rule -› no
color_ black
d0rk_ pat
butt_ head
suicide_ i would do it but melissa would so no!
fo0d_ waffle!
auto_ matic
yummy_ melissa
scary_ living
night_ beautiful
day_ awful
peed your pants? why yes yes i have
cheated on s0meone? NO!
fallen off the bed? yes
fallen for a relative? no
been KiSSED: yes
had plastic surgery? not reasently but m,y 3rd boob looks good
failed a grade? yes
been in a relationship? yes
br0ke someone`s heart? idk
had y0ur heart br0ken? ...yeah, but i try to forget about it
had a dream c0me true? cant say i have
asked someone out? yes
been in love? i am in love
st0le anything? no
done s0mething you regret? yes
had a wart? no
g0ne streaking? ...maybe...
br0ken a b0dy part? no
listening to - music
wearing - shorts... no shirt...
eating - nothing at the moment
feeling - hopefull
reading - this survey!
located - down stairs
chatting with - melissa!
watching - my icon
craving - melissa
should REALLY be - cleaning
SECTiON 8 [»] DO YOU...
brush your teeth? yes
like anyb0dy? im happy with my melissa
have a BF? no im married jees!
have any piercings? no
wear glasses? supposed to
have braces? yes
drive? =( no
believe in Santa Claus? ...i am santa!
wear de0dorant? yes
sing in the sh0wer? yes=)
ever get off the damn c0mputer? not really
hugged -- melissa
gave epr0ps -- flavor flave...
IMed -- melissa
talked on the phone -- melissa
yelled at -- kyle
tripped -- joe
laughed with -- melissa

Nervous Habits:cracking my knuckles,talking, biting my tounge
Do you bite your nails? not really
Are you double jointed? no
Can you roll your tongue? no
Can you blow smoke rings? idk never tried
Can you blow spit bubbles? YES!
Can you cross your eyes? no
Do you make your bed daily? no
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? $20
Sexxiest article of clothing on a guy? o o o ! ummm boxers !
Favorite Piece of Clothing: band t's
Pajamas: shorts
Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? both
Have you ever eaten Spam? NO
How often do you brush your teeth? 2 or 3 times
How often do you shower/bathe? daily
How long does your shower last? long, due to my annoying singing lol
Hair drying method: AIR!!!!
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yes
What colors has your hair been? red, bleach blonde, and dark blonde
Do you swear? sure
Do you ever spit? no
Actor/Actress: jonny depp
Food: peanute butter
Month: October
Day: friday
Shoe Brand: vans
Subject in school: spanish or math
Color:black  green and red
Person to talk to online: melissa,mark, or rachelle
Body part on/in you: my bootay ;)
Body part on the opposite sex: eyes
TV show:family guy and simpsons
Movie: nightmare before christmas
Holiday: Halloween
Vacationing Spot: canada
Thing To Do In The Summer: be with melissa and friends
Thing To Do In The Winter: EVERYTHING, snow ball fights, rapping my self in blankets, hot coacoa, SKATE!,ect.

Ever taken a cab? no
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? no
What color is your bedroom? blood red =)
Do you use an alarm clock? sometimes
Name one thing you are obsessed with:melissa lol
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: no
Ever sunbathed nude? no
Window seat or aisle? window
What's your sleeping position? stomache or side
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yes
Do you snore? not that i know of
Do you sleepwalk? not that i know of
Do you talk in your sleep? yes
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
How about with the light on? the hall light
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? tv

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