GUESS WHAT?! Wanna hear about my day? YAY~ Let's hear about my day~~
When I woke up, I was already half-dead, but being half-dead is being in good shape. You see, when your half-dead, you can still carry on life functions. =D So I went to Science...where my first heart attack came. I had a B+ in science...BUT...Miracurously, I raised it to the LOWEST A posssible, in only two days! AHAHAHAHAHAHA~~
Then I went to civics. In civics...Well, to be honest I thought I got a C+. ^_________^ But, Mr. Martin said something about "I'm not gonna show you your grades because you guys suck! HAHA. Too bad!" So I basically freaked out! ^_____^ Moving on~
Then I went to Math...and had lunch...and all that boring stuff. AND THEN.....ER PERIOD. OHOHOHOHO. Things got interesting~ You see, going through Math, Civics, and Science on organs that are only half-processing, can take a tough toll on your brain. OH! I FORGOT TO MENTION! I have a cold! =D So this whole day I was feeling incredibly shitty! ^^ Anyways, I was about 1/4 dead when I got to ER period, only to learn that I had to go to Math Counts. So I went to Math Counts (Jebus...It's hard to type when your brain dead) and that's when I started to die a slow painful tragic death......Just kidding~ Well, we were talking about who's going to be on what team and stuff, but Mrs. Roller (Math Counts lady) and us didn't want to be mean and cut off people. We talked for the LONGEST time EVER on it...but even 1 hour and 10 minutes wasn't enough, so after school we were STILL discussing it. Eventually it boiled down to two people; Vishaka, and Emily. Emily = better team player not so great at math, Vishaka = bad team player, better math person. I thought we should just choose Emily and get it over with but SOMEHOW we managed to draaaaag it all out and make a big fuss over it, and even put our names in a bag and picked by random. But that didn't work, because all the people that said, "I don't really want to be in it" got picked. That's just our luck I guess. Anyways, Alyssa wanted to be on the team, but she thought that since Vishaka and Emily both really wanted to, she would give up her place. NO WAY, were we going to let that happen. I mean, having either Emily or Vishaka would be fine, but having both? Not happening, especially not if we were going to cut Alyssa to get that. Anyways, at this point, so many people were argueing (including me) and shouting, that my brain DIED. Literally, I felt it sinking through my ears and down my throat. Oh the pain~ *ahem* ANYWAYS...I rememberd I had to make up my English test, so I said, "I HAVE TO GO..." <--I probably looked like Shuichi when Yuki was going crazy. Anywhoo....I went to go take a 100 question test. HAHA.
Has anyone tried taking a test at 4 AM? Well, this is what it felt like. At one point, when I got to question 38, I felt, and HEARD my brain pounding. It was like it didn't have enough osygen or something. Like...My ear was going, "Ba-dum...Ba-dum...Ba-dum....*wheeeeezecreeeeeeek*" AHAHAHAHA~ Wellll...I brought up my English grade to like a....MILLION PERCENT! Aren't you proud of me?! =D
Then I realized I needed to turn in my community service forms, as well as know my civics grade. But first, back to the Math Counts room to check if everything was okay. Lo and behold...PEOPLE WERE STILL THERE ARGUEING!! ZOMFG!!! And Alyssa was crying! ZOMFG! Don't CRY...! Math Counts is so stupid! Don't cry over something like Math Counts...Cry over something like...YAMAPI DYING!! THEN YOU SHOULD DIIEEE CRYING!! But otherwise, tears aren't meant to be wasted on something so stupid as this. And don't take it so seriously, like shouting at Mitty, "WILL YOU PUT FORTH 100% OF YOUR TIME AND EFFORT TO UPHOLD YOUR *blah blah blah*" Because it's not worth it. And I'm not just targeting you, because it's not your fault, but people in general should just live life more laid back and happy~
Wow...Maybe I should tell you some random happy facts.
1) Jujy smells nice~
Caitlin: Hi Stephanie! ^^
Me: Hello!
Caitlin: HUG~ ^__________^
Caitlin's inner face: >DDDDDDDD
Me: *hugs*
Caitlin: *gropes*
4) I LUFFLES ALL OF J0000~~ Do you luffles me toooooo? Ehhh? AHA! I KNOW! In your comment, you must post if you love me or nottttt~~ ^___________^ AHAHAHA~ I'm just high, ignore me!
5) I globs. =D
6) ZOMFG! I HAVE A B+ IN CIVICS! O__________O
7) Crap...this is too long. *dies*
AHAHAHAHAHAH~~ Nfunfunfunfunfunfu...OHOHOHOHHOHO~~ *froths at mouth* Waaaahhhhh....Give me some CANDYYYYY~~ *brain completely shuts down*
EDIT: WAhhhh...My layout is crappy, but I did it in like...10 minutes, and I stole it off of Eunju! ^_________^ Thank you~~ (That's why it looks half-decent!) I'll fix it later, but right now I need to go to sleeeepp....Sorry! I only re-did because my other one died. XD;; (I can't get the stupid thing to worrk!! How do you make the picture show up at the top? XD;; I tried shifting the journal thing down, but it refuses...Refuses I say!!) Thanks Eunju~, I got the image to go on the top! XDDD Horray~! <33 And about this layout........I know it's crappy. >_____>;; But don't you guys think the picture is cute? =D Just focus on the picture...just focus on the picture...xD Ignore everything else, because I know it's really wierd. But I was bored...Linda is studying so she can't kill green globs with me...TT________TT