Title: Days of despair
Pairing: one-sided Ichi/Ren, one-sided Hichi/Ichi
POV: Hichigo’s
Rating: M
Genre: Drama/Romance
Words: 4185 (11,000 is my goal)
Chapter: 1/3
Warnings: AU, almost-rape?, sex reference, yaoi, near character death, lots of angst.
Beta: zealot1138
Summary: Ichigo couldn’t take it anymore. The pain, the quilt - it was
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Comments 5
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Nicely written! ^^
Um, I feel sorry for Ichigo too, 'cause were it a fight he wouldn't care about what the rest of the world would say at all. That's how I see it at least.
"what a lousy excuse of a rapist you were": somehow I don't think either, Ichigo would hurt anybody from anger or even despair.
I imagine Ichi to go self-destructive when he's suffering and hurt himself though not always consciously. He fits the image or at least I believe he's simmilar to me in that.
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