Title: A kiss
Pairing: Ren/Ichi
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: M
Warning: yaoi
Words: 1,191
Beta: zealot1138
A/N: This was my first fic above 1,000 words, my first non-angsty fic. One of the few fics of mine that I actually like. And it’s all thanks to zealot1138 that it’s beated! Thank you!
Summary: A silent touch. Warmth seeping through.
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Comments 5
This is the kind of fic that remind me that I'm female. I was a gushing, squeeing mess by the first kiss through the very last line, and guh. I usually hate it, the three little words are often too big for this pairing, but GUH the fact Renji's an annoying prick brought the ICness out into the open, beautiful and sweet and the words flowed and the scenes were wonderful. Really, it was sexy without sex and kept me satisfied without being too wordy. So, um, more RenIchi from you? :3
I think I got carried away with my comment again, but really, swell job on this. *adds to memories*
So um, I don't know what to say xD. I'm really, really happy that you liked it, especially since it's a mess of random scenes that barely fit together. I'm gald I managed to keep them IC and still get them to say those three words. But sadly, there won't be any Ren/Ichi in quite a while. Other projects and christmas gifts come first.
Well, looks like I got carries away even more. xD
Thank you so, so much! *hugs*
*hugs baaack*
That's my favorite part of this fic! XD Makes my laugh every time XD.
Glad I managed to keep them IC!~
And yeah, one-liners. Sometimes it feels like I wrote the whole story only to be able to insert one single good line in it *sheepish smile*.
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