Title: Summer rain
Pairing: RenIchi
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: K
Words: 402
Warning: fluff; poetic; and so much in so little words,
A/N: Made from leftover notes from Me and my shinigami boyfriend (that never came to life, became something else). Summer is still far away (it's March and it's snowing here again! Again!), but that doesn't mean you can
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Comments 8
I love the way you paint such a mental picture with what you write, and the way you move from the rain washing Ichigo clean and his thoughts about that to thinking about how Renji saw it. So lovely and evocative. Thanks so much for posting this!
It was meant to make the reader smile so I'm really glad I achieved my goal ^^.
Thank you for the lovely comment!
It was really beautiful and touching, I don't know how else to explain it. I loved Ichigo standing there and letting the rain was over him to be purified, but then saying he wouldn't change a thing. It was so... romantic, in a sense. All those little touches, like the raindrops caressing his skin, really made the fic work for me.
And then to find out he was doing it for Renji? Like, that whole last paragraph, about what it all meant for Renji, was exquisite. Of course I grinned stupidly. They are so fucking good for each other :D
OKAY NOW BRB reading it for the third time
I was all "I hope spiky will like it." while typing it down so I'm all grin and happiness that you did like it ^^.
I had a clear image of Ichigo standing outside in the rain in my head. He had the fresh-out-of-bed look, most probably because he slipped out of his bedroom as soon as he noticed that it's raining outside, leaving Ren snoring in bed. It gave me that feeling of sleepy warmth I tried to convey here. Though I don't know if I succeeded on the sleepy factor. =P
Now I'll probably never look at the rain and NOT think of this. Haha. Thanks. :)
Thank you!
About the fic itself, I really liked how you put Renji's background story in there. And the love between them was almost sparkling off of the screen. Really, a beautiful piece :)
*gives many cookies!*
You're welcome. I'm really glad that you liked it! If you eve feel like it I've got some Ura/Ichi one-shots that are mostly in the ROmance/Humor genre ;;>_>. XD
*noms cookies*
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