Title: Ravenous
Pairing: Renji/Ichigo
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: R for Renji’s dirty mind;
Words: 874
Warning: AU, angst, unrequited love;
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of the characters.
A/N: Um, I’m not very satisfied with this. Even though it was on my mind for some time now it seems like all I can muster is angst and drama (
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Comments 7
You have NOTHING to be disappointed about! It's so bittersweet! And I can never get enough of Renji's dirty mind, haha.
Good job ^__^.
Thank you!
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you!~
It was very... painful, like I was right there with Renji, like I was carried off by feelings he couldn't act on. I like his self-control, too, most writers don't give him that much credit when it comes to how strong his character really is. The descriptions were extremely hot, too.
Well played! :D
You liking the fic makes me feel a lot better about it. Especially the painful part; I really wanted that part to get through.
So yeah, I'm happy you liked it. ^^
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