This is what distracts me from assignments!

May 24, 2009 01:42

FB quizzes can be addictive!
Meme time! From some random blog.

Ten Things i Wish i Could Say to Ten Different People (but don't say their name):

1. Congratulations!!
2. I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope she is doing well at a better place.
3. Thanks for being such a great friend! =)
4. Why did you push all the jobs to me?? How about the others?
5. Goddammit please don't set difficult questions for the finals. Our lives depend on you.
6. Stop being such a b**** and stay loyal OMG!
7. Why won't you come back?
8. I wish it was you.
9. Can't wait to see you! Please don't give me a heart attack.
10. Don't take me for granted. Seriously.

Nine things about myself :

1. I like things related to Japan.
2. I'm really quiet with strangers, but I TRY HARD to fit it (you have no idea!).
3. I can be really nuts with friends I'm comfortable with. If I'm crazy with you, means I treat you as one of my best buddies.
4. I try to improve in a lot of different ways, but VERY slowly lol.
5. I envy those that can speak Japanese.
6. I wish I can drive.
7. I wish I can gain some weight! Holy...
8. I try to avoid carbonated drinks, because I'm afraid of diabetes. No joke.
9. I like to be praised (oh yeah! LOL)

Eight ways to win my heart :

1. Have a sense of humour!
2. If you are into Japan too, I'll talk with you. LOL
3. Random to a tolerable extent.
4. Be nice to me!
5. Smart.
6. Not sloppy.
7. Can make decisions (cause I can't...)
8. Talk alot! (cause I don't...)

Seven things that cross my mind a lot :

1. Do I have enough money to buy that?
2. What are they doing now?
3. I want to get (normally clothings and fandom stuff)
4. Do they have fanfiction on that?
5. I don't wanna start working...
6. Will I suck at interviews?
7. I want to go to this convention.

Six things I do before I fall asleep :

1. Check email.
2. Read manga.
3. Brush my teeth.
4. Change to PJs.
5. Cover myself in a blanket.
6. Make a wish LOL.

Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever) :

1. My family
2. My friends.
3. My online friends LOL
4. My cat
5. Myself.

Four things your wearing right now :

1. Glasses.
2. Shirt
3. Pants
4. Underwear

Two things you want to do before you die :

1. Go to Japan
2. Adopt a child

One confession :

1.Sometimes I feel charitable but I don't have the drive to do anything.


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