No really, what.
I know this show has never really made sense, but I'm sure it used to make a bit more sense than this? The first thing to say is that I'm still enjoying it, but I defy anyone to explain the "resolution" from this week in a way that's comprehensible. I think the low point for me was the key that stopped the ancient computers/recording device things that were hidden behind the false wall itself being hidden inside a bottle of fake wine that Lydia worked out wasn't wine because... it didn't stain the carpet even though it was bright red. So what the hell was it??? What substance looks exactly like red wine but doesn't cause marks on a white carpet, and why would any writer think that this is a good explanation for anything?
Oh well... this is why you just have to leave your brain at the door for this show. Things I did like: Kira heroically rescuing Brett and Unnamed Werewolf Girl, and her enthusiastic make out with Scott; Peter's great villainous monologue as the Sheriff had a gun to his head (I enjoy him being around much more when he's unambiguously being a Bad Hat); Derek's call to arms; and Chris Argent's Intense Acting With Blossoms face. Also, the unsubstantiated rumour that Danny might be back for season five.
Mason: Statistically, someone on your team must be on my team.
Fandom: YES!!!!! DANNY!!!!!!!