Whenever I think I've had enough of this stupid show, somehow it manages to suck me back in.
Things that gave me a lot of feelings in the season finale:
- Everyone reacting to Derek looking like he was dying. I actually thought the show might kill him off! But obviously he's just the werewolf messiah or something, instead.
- Lydia's determination as she faced down a beserker with a baseball bat. I think she's been pretty ill-served by the story this season as she's mostly just had to look distraught alone in rooms, and I hope she gets more to do next season.
- Papa Stilinski. Just everything about him! I love his concern for Stiles and the little group hug in his office at the end. The way he's totally accepted Malia is the sweetest, considering how weird her former-coyote self can be.
- Kira finding her strength to heal herself.
- Chris's face as Kate talked about Allison's death.
- Braeden being her wonderful bad-ass self.
Things that are still not entirely working for me:
- Still not dead then, Peter.
The scheduling of the show is so unpredictable I was hoping season five might start next spring, but according to Hypable it's going to be the summer.