Willow Rosenberg
45% amorality, 63% passion, 54% spirituality, 45% selflessness
Likely you're stronger on the inside than most people would give you credit for: like Willow, you're a decent person with both passions and a spiritual side, sometimes struggling for control.
Willow is one of the most beloved characters in the Buffy universe;
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THE 4-VARIABLE BUFFY PERSONALITY TEST My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 8% on morality
You scored higher than 46% on repose
You scored higher than 25% on spirituality
You scored higher than 31% on selflessness
The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test written by
donathos on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating TestWillow huh? Oh well, it's sorta fit, I think...