Well done you. Actually my mouse wanders up to the left hand top corner and refuses to come down on occasions - but it is just when its' batteries are getting low - like about once a week!
Er, I don't know, your mouse needs battery? I can buy an USB mouse at 15 yuan here. You just plug it on and it'll run happily, no need to feed it battery at all. PS. 囧 at your icon!
It's a cordless mouse - like this one I plug the little transmitter in the USB port, and then use the mouse without having a 'tail'. It is very useful for me,because all the USB ports on my laptop are on the right, and I am left-handed, so the wire crossed the keys.
The icon is copiable - it isn't even in need of credit - it came from a meme a couple of years ago which generated random icons.
*grimace* That's a pain. I can't believe there are so many poor-designed things out there. My old laptop has only USB 1.0 ports. And copy files from/to it could make a saint scream. One of my classmates' laptop also has only USB 1.0 ports, and there's only two... Hello? USB disk? USB mouse? USB keyboard? USB harddisk?
The icon has found its way to my picture storage. I think he'll find lots of pretty girls there! Thanks! ^o^
……拍拍,可怜的萱萱……学第二外语,怎么说,sucks big time…… 你知道我毕业之后最怀念的就是母校的图书馆啊啊啊~~ 我说你不会是那个孔子学院被支援出去了吧? 美剧来说我在看Heroes、Brothers and Sisters、CSI、Supernatural啦,还有Buffy the Vampire Slayer是我心头至爱来着。迷失和越狱还没顾上看哎。我就有这毛病,大家都看什么,我就不想看了…… 档案部门算好工作吗?
Comments 8
PS. 囧 at your icon!
I plug the little transmitter in the USB port, and then use the mouse without having a 'tail'. It is very useful for me,because all the USB ports on my laptop are on the right, and I am left-handed, so the wire crossed the keys.
The icon is copiable - it isn't even in need of credit - it came from a meme a couple of years ago which generated random icons.
The icon has found its way to my picture storage. I think he'll find lots of pretty girls there! Thanks! ^o^
美剧来说我在看Heroes、Brothers and Sisters、CSI、Supernatural啦,还有Buffy the Vampire Slayer是我心头至爱来着。迷失和越狱还没顾上看哎。我就有这毛病,大家都看什么,我就不想看了……
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