Still nothing new going on in my life but every once in awhile, there's a silver lining to things that come my way.
For those that don't know from my facebook, I'm FINALLY going to get the chance to meet STEPHEN FUCKING KING!!!!!!!!!!!! He's doing a small book tour for his new book coming out on 11/8/11 called "11/22/63" and because of the help that the ppl in Dallas @ the Book Depository have given him for research on the book, he's coming to Dallas on 11/10/11.
The event is called A Conversation with Stephen King and he's going to discuss things about the new book & whatever else might be brought up. They had limited tix for a reception w/King before the show starts that includes valet parking, a 1st print autographed book, meet & greet with King, and preferred seating. I saved up my pennies cause I wanted a Reception tix so bad no matter the price (well not exactly, I wasn't going to pay $400 for a tix IF that was the price they were going to have it at). The only thing that sucks about the reception is that there will be no flash pics, all I can say about that is there better be good lighting in the area cause I don't want no damn blurry pic w/me & him but at least it can take video too on my camera, and he will not sign any books or memorabilia.
When the tix went on sale @ 9am on the dot, I made sure I was on the site beforehand. But once 9am rolled around, they put you in a que and I was PISSED!! I opened up another tab to see which would come available to me first and the fucked up part is that the 2nd window became available before the 1st one did. Thankfully I only waited about 3-4 mins BUT you were timed on making sure you picked what you wanted & paid. The reception tixs sold out in like 8 mins!! Though I felt it wasn't right that you could purchase up to 6 tix & they only had 100 of the reception to sell. Some of the comments I was reading on the site of the ppl pissed cause they couldn't get into the site or when they finally did get in, the tix were already sold out but someone noticed that somebody ALREADY had their reception tix listed on ebay for $500 (which included everything that came with the tix)!! I can't stand greedy ppl like that.
I seriously would've cried if I was unable to get a reception tix even though I still would've purchased a reg tix if that were the case. Hell $40 is still pretty cheap for a reg tix. I still pinch myself every now & then to make sure I'm not dreaming. I always wanted to meet THE MAN & now my dream is coming true!! I just wish my older sis could be here with me to come along too. If it weren't for her, I might not have gotten into his books as young as I did.
Anywho, here is the link for the Dallas event since there are still reg tix on sale. Anyone in the Dallas area who would like to go, you are more than welcome to carpool with me & share my valet parking:
A CONVERSATION WITH STEPHEN KING Here is the tour date list. If you are a fan check it out, he may be in your area:
Stephen King tour dates ~*~*~*~
This yr is the first yr that I've actually been happy about doing stuff for Halloween. I think it's cause I have an actual costume instead of rererere-cycling my cosplay outfits that no one would understand. What made me spring to buy a costume is that my boss wanted to actually do a theme this yr in our little area. Two other ladies are joining us and we are doing an underwater theme and I got a pretty nice pirate costume. It's a little big but my roommate is going to take the sides in a bit & put shoulder pads in it. I'll have pics after next weekend.
The other part that I'm happy about is that I'm going to an actual party too next weekend so at least I'm making sure that my costume will be put to good use instead of just wearing it for one day at work.
Last night I met up with an older gentleman who I came across on a Dethklok messageboard (for those that aren't familiar with the name, it's the fictional band from the Adult Swim show called Metalocalypse) since he lives in Ft.Worth & he brought it up to me before about how we should meet up sometime. We decided to do dinner @ the House of Blues in Dallas & it was just kinda freaky w/certain things in the beginning. Just as I pulled into a parking space, two spaces down from me, I see another Cobalt (an orange'ish brown color) & I see a guy getting out, which was him (CD is his nickname). I knocked on my window to let him know it was me. So while we were waiting in line to pay for our parking space, I asked him what yr is his car; an '06 like mine AND he drives a stick too; like mine. He's also a retired Army vet & is a fellow Yankee (from Ohio).
When we were being seated to our table, I was focused on putting my purse & my One Piece jacket on the back of my chair & I heard CD & the waitress talking about something. I looked over after I sat down and here he had the chair pulled out for me. He said to the waitress jokingly about "this is the 2nd time this happened to me." (I knew who he was talking about on the 1st time) I apologized to him and told him that I'm not used to having someone do that for SERIOUSLY!! My ex never did that for me (aside from holding a door open).
This is the first time I've been out with the opposite sex in a looooooooooooooooong time!! Probably the only male friend who I've met on a messageboard since everyone else is all female I've met & known. I believe he might be close to the age of 50, not quite sure but I think it was so cool that for his age, he likes metal music (aside from other genres), plays bass, and GOES TO FUCKING ANIME CONVENTIONS AND COSPLAYS (though he goes as Murderface the bass player from Metalocalypse and a damn good likeness too when he dresses up). We have quite a lot in common on things to talk about and didn't even cover half. Hell, I didn't even know he was even married (not anymore but don't know anything about it) & has at least one grown child who is married. It's interesting to also hear certain military stories esp since he joined in 1979, I was 2yrs old at the time. *LOL!!!!!!*
All in all, I had such a nice time. It just felt good to be out with someone & have conversations with someone who knows what the fuck you are talking about. Someone who doesn't look down on me cause of liking anime or certain music. AND the idea that he wasn't or didn't come off as being a creep like trying to hit on me or put the moves on me. I'm not looking to date anyone. Being friends & hanging out like that is good enough for me.
Next month, CD is having an intimate gathering at his place on the 11th since he's good friends with
Bryan Beller (bass player for different bands and the main bass player for Dethklok's music), Bryan & his wife are doing a bit of touring since they are going to be in the area. The few ppl I guess CD has invited, it's $20 each and the money goes to Bryan & his wife which I think is a pretty awesome thing to do. And I'll be there.
And that is pretty much what is going on with me as of late.