summer survey
Have you ___________ this summer 2005? SURVEY
Had a party?: yeah. my sweet 16
Gone to a party?: yeah
Spent the night with someone?: hell yeah! eusmc counselors <33. yay for spooning and sleeping together. haha.
Laughed until your stomach hurt?: most definately
Gone on a vacation?: Cape May, and I guess camp counts..because it was a vacation away from home?
Tanned?: yep - cape may
Went camping?: nope
Swam?: yeah - cape may -- and i have a scar to prove it (haha lexi)
Went to the movies?: yeah. War of the Worlds, charlie and the chocolate factory, Herbie fully loaded (haha mere), batman, wedding crashers, red eye, must love dogs, and sisterhood of the traveling pants.
Gone shopping?: yeah - today (school supply shopping!!).
Had a job?: yep
Have you gotten sun burned yet? yepp
Made a bonfire?: nope
Been outside during a lightning storm?: yeah. at camp. and we were up at the field. but then...adam got scared because he was afraid he was going to get hit..even thought it was heat lightening. oh good times. <3
Been to another state?: pennsylvania (to drive to camp). and new york of course
Been to another country?: nope. but my mom left for germany and paris today...too bad i couldn't go.
Changed something about your appearance?: i got my hair cut?
Been to the hospital with an injury?: umm...with strep throat. but thats only because there are no real doctors offices in hamilton.
Commited a crime/broken the law?: umm...not that i can recal?
Gone on a road trip?: a college looking road trip? but that doesn't count. we're planning one to hamilton though.
Been to a concert?: hell yeah. eusmc <3
Been in trouble with the cops/parents?: only parents.
Had a memorable moment?: yeah - tons
Had a horrible moment?: yep
Made new friends?: yeah!!! eusmc.
Missed a friend?: lets see..when i was at eusmc, i missed my friends at home. and now that im home, i miss my friends at camp. but i also miss syd and lexi since i barely get to see them!! and umm...i miss people who left for college already --- mondays gunna be tough :-/
Slept under the stars?: yes!!!! eusmc <3
Thought about school?: yeah. only because i went school supply shopping tonight -- and then i realized that i still have a lot of summer reading to do. oops.
Been to the beach?: yeah. cape may.
Spent the most time with?: people from camp -- only because i was with them 24/7 for a month.
Wanted to Visit?: HAMILTON!! (and everywhere that my friends are that im not)
Taken a summer class?: does music theory/conducting count?
Had a crush?: yeah.
Stayed up past 3 am on the phone with somebody: probably chris at one point or another. except, i probably would have fallen asleep on the phone by idk.
Got in a fight with anyone?: umm...not really?
Stayed out later then usual?: yeah. and...had people ove my house later then usual. lol.