My room mate just got this game called F.E.A.R. and it's unbelieveable! It makes Counter-Strike look like Pong. It's really freaky too, like a Silent Hill level of freaky. I like that in a game (^o^) I'm very anxious to play it on the PC that I'm going to build pretty soon (along with various other games).
For no reason, I have rented EVERY FUCKING AYU TRANCE/EURO BEAT CD IN EXISTANCE along with a bunch of other CDs. I got a membership at this Japanese video place in Japan Town, and I rented a bunch of CDs.... Reviews to come later
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FUCKIN' DONE WITH FINALS!!! After 15 hours of straight studying for this stupid class (2pm to 5am), I'm finally done!! I can sleep! I can sleep some more! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Finals are over!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!