School is seriously eating up my time. I can't wait for Christmas vacation to start. I cut school today because I felt like I deserved a break! Secretly of course. I'm planning to hang out at a local cafe and possibly meet a friend there but as it's still closed, I'm stuck at the internet cafe. Which is occupied by obnoxious gamers who grate on my
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Comments 8
Twilight is like a disease, spreading everywhere. RPattz is an okay guy, but...I don't see why people think he's hawt.
Oh, and Smeyer can DIAF.
The novel is cliche'd as hell that I'm so sorry for the poor trees who died just to provide the paper for it to be printed. And all those bugs that had to be killed just to provide color for the cover!
Those twilight fans are driving me insane. I admit it. I skipped school today because most of my classmates watched it last Friday and they'd most certainly be gushing/bitching about it today.
It depends on the angles. Sometimes he looks good, sometimes he looks shot, sorry, hot, and sometimes he just looks bad.
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School is seriously cutting through my social life -- both cyber and real. :/ The school work isn't that hard, but the travel time to and from school is what's killing me.
I guess I'd grudgingly admit that I kinda enjoyed the movie. It was better than the last movie I saw so maybe that contributed to my "enjoyment". I respect personal opinions. 8D Don't worry about liking it. What I hate is when people try to shove it down my throat and force me to like it. Like what most of my classmates are doing.
Those fantwits are ruining it for everyone. It's okay to like something and constantly gush over it, but too much of something is bad. Er...did I just quote a Spice Girls song???!!!If I were JK Rowling, I'd be hating all ( ... )
It's not that I loathe Twilight, but it's funny that people are going gaga over it. Again, 'I don't get it!' *hahaha* Well, to be fair to them, you can say I had my turn - being a fan of Harry Potter and all.
I'm quite intrigued with Artemis Fowl even before. And now that you mentioned it, I'm lured to it... I need to read that book ^^
I do admit I went gaga for Harry Potter too (and L'Arc now) but it's different when those fans are so crazy they're offended when you tell them you didn't read it. :/ Makes me go ?.
Hang in there with school! It's totally killing me right now, so I know how it feels. D:
Artemis Fowl? What's this? The name sounds... vaguely familiar. What is it about? I think I might put them on my to-read list. 8D
I know. I'm so sick of hearing it all the time. And of all the sighs and giggles and shrieks that follow in its wake. Ugh.
While I enjoy some of my subjects, it's still not enough to ease the tiredness I feel. /emo
Check it out. Read it. 8D It's, to quote the author, "Die Hard. With fairies." It's so action-packed and the main character, Artemis, is just genius. Literally. He's a freaking genius. And a criminal. At the age of 12, woah.
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