Finals week.
It's distressing.It's tiring.It's energy-sucking.It's nerve wrecking.It's insert-whatever-negative-adjective-you-could-think-of.
Good thing is...only one week and it's semestral break!woot woot! yeah this is me being posiive
I'm worrying over my grades though,I feel like I'm half-assing all through out the semester that I'm pretty sure my grades won't be so proud-worthy as I expected./prepping myself for a dreadful mom-nagging day lol/
On to fandom news~!
Speaking of NEWS (pun totally not intended), most of you if not all, have already heard of Yamapi and Ryo leaving the group. I'm not really a fan of NEWS to have a considerable opinion about the issue but I feel sorry for the fans, I'm sure, they are devastated;___; I'm also worried about the 4 remaining members, the departure of the two most popular members is definitely a huge blow and getting over it would be an excruciatingly slow process. I hope they'll be given the same chances that KT got when Jin left. I wish them all the best, same with Yamapi and Ryo.
-insert babbl-y transition here-
Mark your calendar for KAT-TUN no Zettai Manetaku Naru TV.18th of October, are we clear?/is demanding/
Yay so so excited!!!!
Also, Kame will be on Arashi ni Shiyagare on the 15th kszdksdkajdjadjlak /late flailing is late/
I'm waiting for some Kame luvin' from his dear sempais /I'm staring at you Nino Matsujun Ohno okay I can't decide,just the whole Arashi would be enough *winks
Here~pirate!Kame for us to ogle ♥♥♥
And extra Bemu with guyliner /Ain't he hot?*___*
Imma shut up now and review.bye!
Note: Credit to the owners of the photos