meme of DOOM!!

Jun 21, 2006 22:38

okay, not really. but still.

1. Explain your username: ooh boy. um, long story short, a couple of years ago at a friend's birthday party, me and another friend were being idiotic, talking about yaoi, and laughing psychotically. at some point, the laughing became synchronized and we determined that we sounded like yaoi banshees. i figured the name was appropriate.

2. How did you pick your user icons?: i started looking for KH icons, and the people who made the prettiest ones also happened to make some for my other obsessions.

3. Account type: paid, thanks to the lovely liquidmirror. ^__^

4. How many friends do you have?: 42, but six are ded/delete-ified. ;__;

5. Friend of...?: 33

6. How many communities are you a member of?: 37

7. Number of entries: 222. and i've had this journal for over 3 years now. how sad is that?

8. Comments posted: 797

9. Comments received: 708

10. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your livejournal represent who you actually are?: maybe a 3 or 4? probably not very well at all, which is stupid because i always plan on posting all sorts of random/interesting stuff and then i just... never get around to it. >.>

11. How do you think your LJ represents you...
... factually: again, not too well, considering lack of posting-ness
... emotionally: i'm sure anyone who randomly stumbles across my journal probably thinks i'm a very angry/whiney person, since nearly half of my posts are me bitching about school. english papers in particular. >.<
... intellectually: somehow i doubt that i come across as very intelligent in my journal...
... sexually: >_O?
... religiously: um, i know it represents the rest of my family, but as for me...? i think i've made a few references to my views on the religious world.
... artistically: eh, drabbles here and there. AND I STILL NEED TO FINISH THOSE REQUESTS FOR PEOPLE!!! >.O

12. Is there anything you refuse to post about?: yes; mainly if i'm pissed at someone and know that i'd regret posting about it later.

13. Name one thing you post about too much: ENGLISH - papers mainly. it's funny, because looking back, i can no longer tell what paper i was bitching about at the time. they all kind of run together....

14. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?: maybe interesting in a "WTF?" kind of way and for people who know me in rl, but other than that....

15. Favourite community?: kh_yaoi. does this really surprise you? look at the user name, people.

16. Name one journal that you've really enjoyed reading recently: um... *flails* anything with porn?

17. Are comments important to you?: they feed the attention whore side of my ego.

18. Do you have any custom friends groups?: yes, but only 2. i don't have millions of friends, so it isn't exactly necessary.

19. Have you ever lied in your journal?: nooo, that would be kind of stupid... >.> if there's something i would be tempted to lie about, i just won't post it.

20. Have you ever met anyone from your friends list?: nope, but it seems like quite a few people are going to AX, so it would be interesting if anyone wanted to meet up...

21. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?: no, it actually freaks me out a bit when random people suddenly friend/comment on my journal. i like to know who you are first.

22. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?: i have no idea who they are or why they friended me.

23. Is your significant other on LJ?: ......anyone who knows me will join me in mocking/incredulous laughter.

24. If not, do they know you post on LJ?:

25. Why did you fill this out?: because i stoled it from braving and it seemed like a good idea at the time

meme of doom!!

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