Title: For The Maiden, A Bit o' Injury To My Person (Part 2/7 + SPECIAL CHAPTER)
Universe: Persona 3 PORTABLE
Pairings/Characters: Minako, Yukari, Junpei, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Ken, Koromaru, Aigis, Fuuka, SEKRIT CHARACTER (though I'm sure it's obvious who it is), and random Shadows
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Playing second banana has its...disadvantages, to
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Comments 5
Come forth, Fortuna!
"Come forth" should be "O"
...brb hiding from tomatoes.
Don't worry about the tomatoes, what your concrit makes sense this is what happens when I write fiction during the wee hours of the morning.
I have your crack fic on paper, I just have to type it up once I get back from class
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