Nate: Hello, wee little Chestnut! I just got this feeling ...
Nate: that it's time for you to grow up!
eleme: CAREFUL! DOORFRAME!! *panics*
phew! And what a cutie, even without the elf ears. (bummer!)
But he has his father's eyebrows of AWESOME!
Chestnut: I'm bigger now! *glee*
Chestnut: I can use my hands! And my mouth! .... Oh...hmm. This is most interesting. *noms on peg*
Chestnut: !!!That was most satisfying!!
He loves this toy, he can play with it for hours, lol.
Russet never ceases to surprise. lol
Russet: What?
eleme: Nothing! Just thought it was funny you chose the sink when there are two perfectly working bathtubs in the house, one mere steps away!
Russet: It was a necessary experience.
eleme: ... neccessary?
Russet: What if there were no bathtubs? WHAT IF?! What if a Mammoth Llama trampled our house and we escaped with only the clothes on our back? I'm not going to carry a bathtub if a mammoth llama is stampeding!! Sink bathing is an important skill! *walks away muttering*
eleme: *distracted by Nate's distress*
Nate: Soooooooo hungry!!
eleme: Then why did you stop preparing the food on the counter??
Nate: ... I don't know?
Nate: WOE IS ME!
Nate: WOE IS ME!!!
Marmalade: Oh no!
eleme: OH NOES!
Grim Reaper: Oh yes.
Clementine: *sobs uncontrollably*
C'mon Marmalade! Win him back! Win him back!!
Marmalade: Pleeeeeease!
... uh oh.
Grim Reaper: Well, Mr. Nate Yarn. It looks like you'll be coming with me.
Yeah, me neither darling. You were supposed to win him back!
And just like that, Nate is gone.
Marmalade: *covers mouth in horror*
i'm so sorry bb. *huggles*
And the ghosts just don't give up. I'm pretty sure that Nate's extreme hunger situation was due to a ghost fright (or two). Sigh.
It's another spaghetti dinner! And another lively dinner conversation, or such was the attempt.
Clementine: So, what's your favorite thing sis?
Marmalade: Being married is pretty awesome.
Marmalade: Two best friends, together forever!
Marmalade: OH! but he's gone! *weeps anew*
I don't think this is quite what Clementine had in mind.
Marmalade: If only he was still here.
Without Nate to help with Chestnut, Marmalade is run to exhaustion. Russet, in his newfound teenage independence eagerly steps in to help.
Russet: Here you go little cousin, this is where the poop and pee go!
Russet: *waits*
Russet: *waits*
Russet: *waits some more*
Russet: *stretches*
Russet: You did it!
Chestnut: Of course I did, big cousin. You think I like putting all that stink in my diaper?!
Chestnut decides to stay nearby, in case his mama needs him.
Marmalade: *rubs eyes* Ooohh. That was not restful or comfortable at all! I think I'll go have a bowl of cereal!
Peat: Aunty Marmalade!! Guess what?!
Marmalade: What?
Peat: I had this dream where I was a scuba diver!! And on the bottom of the ocean there was a fish wearing a sparkling necklace!! And I had to get it back!
Marmalade: Back? Why?
Peat: Because it belonged to a beeooooootiful princess, and I was on a quest, of course.
Oh, of course XD
These two are still lovey ... if not *more* lovey these days.
Every caress is bittersweet for Clementine; grateful that her Ben is still here, but achingly aware of her sister's pain.
Russet: Did you know, Father, that it is Earth Day tomorrow?
Ben: Really?
Russet: Yes, really. I have a very special Earth Day presentation at school tomorrow.
Ben: Is it about bugs?
Russet: It's about a special bug! I read about it in the newspaper.
Russet: Scientists are collecting the bug excrement and say it is very valuable and could even save us from the mammoth llamas!
Ben: How could it save us? And what is it with you and the mammoth llamas? There are no mammoth llamas!!
Ben: I mean, unless it's a factory made mammoth llama, but I haven't read anything about that.
Russet: The world just doesn't understand. Why aren't there any stories in the newspaper about mammoth llamas?! They're so much more interesting than hearing about someone's latest hot date.
Ben: Maybe they're saving all the good stories for a cloudy day.
O_o CLEARLY! Got that everyone?! Only get newspapers on cloudy days! lol.
Ben: Clementine is HAWT!
Clementine: What would you think if I got out my little pink heels?
Ben: Right now?? No way!
Clementine: *minus*
Clementine: Well, then can we at least snuggle?
v. exciting snuggle it seems!
Meanwhile, around the corner ...
Marmalade: Potty time, little Chestnut!
Chestnut: One day, I'm gonna grow up and show them. I'm not LITTLE! *smiles sweetly*
Potty face spam!!
/potty spam.
Peat: Hey, little cuz! That peg goes in here! *points helpfully*
Peat: Whooa, he can cry loud!
Chestnut: *glares*
Chestnut: OH! Hooray!! I did it!! *glee*
Yay toddler attention span! lol.
Next time with the Yarns: Unhappy events transpire and reader input will be solicited! Stay tuned!
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*i may reply with my other journal (
eleme) cuz i r forgetful!*