Where Are They Now:: an occasional series I post featuring sims that I've downloaded from other simmers here on LJ (most will be from
pixel_trade, but some aren't). I've plopped several beautiful, unique sims down in Pleasantview recently, and they're running around making friends, falling in love, and generally creating their own stories. So I will write them!!
Where Are They Now?? ... featuring
Katie Berglur!!
Hi! My name is Katie, and that's me on the left.
When I first moved to Pleasantview, the only person I knew was my adopted daughter Jadzia Bernadette. But then I met this handsome man. His name is Yianni.
We had a lot in common. We were both new to town, and we both had adopted children. We got along really well.
So well, in fact, that he asked me to marry him! I said yes.
We had a small ceremony in the backyard of the house we shared.
Just the two of us, and the two of them. That's little Yianni on the left, and my Jadzia on the right.
Before long, we knew another little one was on the way.
Dancing is what got me through the pregnancy - it kept me happy.
It was a girl!! We named her Henye Morgan.
Little Yianni grew up!
And so did Jadzia.
Yianni and I agreed that we wanted more children.
But I didn't really want more morning sickness, yuck!
Our little girl grew up. Yianni said she had my eyes.
But I don't know, he has brown eyes too!!
Henye was a happy little girl.
She loved to play.
And soon she'd have a brother or a sister to play with!!
The only bit that wasn't much fun about toddlers, was the potty training.
OH! And we got a kitten! I named her Eugenia. I LOVE kittens.
At least Yianni helped with the potty training.
I think he enjoyed it more than I did.
Or maybe I just liked watching him try to potty train.
Henye loved snuggling the kitten. I can't really blame her, Eugenia's soft white fur was fabulous to rub one's face against.
Proof that Henye wasn't always happy.
But the little brother or sister was coming!! And coming very soon!
It's a boy!
And, to our great surprise, ANOTHER boy!!
Jadzia and little Yianni were a great help with the twins - Bram Goateater (L) and Sherlock Yasu (R).
Henye Morgan had another birthday.
And then so did the twins. This is Bram Goateater.
And Sherlock Yasu.
At the time, it was a lot of work and it seemed they would all be small forever.
But in reality, the time flew by. Before we knew it, Bram and Sherlock had another birthday and were big enough to dance with the rest of us!
We finally got a new house. With the seven of us (plus Eugenia), we needed more space.
Once the boys were in school, I bought a small shop downtown and opened up a pet store - Paw Prints.
We sell hamster and gerbil cages, plus the hamsters and gerbils to go inside them!
And every doodad and whatsit you could need for your furry, feathery, or finned friend.
It's hard work, but it's definitely worth it.
The bigger kids help me run the store, when they're not in school.
My little Henye had another birthday!!
And we got another kitten - Bonkers.
But Eugenia was still my top furry friend. She and Bonkers went on to have several litters of adorable kittens together.
Jadzia grew up and moved away.
Little Yianni grew up too, but he died unexpectedly. For Yianni's sake, I'm glad we have our three together.
And speaking of those three, they kept growing!! Henye married a marvelous man named Russet Yarn. They have three children.
Yianni and I are older now too, but we're still as happy together as we were when we first met.
And the little twins aren't so little anymore. Bram and Sherlock have grown into handsome (and charming!) young men
... but you don't have to take my word for it, just ask one of those delightful girls they know!
It's been a good and happy life.
(Except maybe for the other night)
(That was one of those unhappy moments.)
But really, with my cats
...and this man by my side, it has been a truly wonderful ride.
Want these sims for yourself??
Katie is available for download from
July Founder Collection and is made by
Yianni is available for download from
this post on my journal.
Henye Morgan, Bram Goateater, and Sherlock Yasu are all available from
my download post!!
Jadzia Bernadette (not technically related to either above sim! just fostered in their family :D) is available for download from
November Founder Collection and is made by me.
Have fun!