Last time with the Yarns ....
Scuba found lots of treasure, but is still not a millionaire.
Scuba was abducted and had twin alien babies - a boy named Huckleberry and a girl named Wisteria.
He barely survived their babyhood.
And now ...
The twins become toddlers! No cake or organized growing up, the toss into toddlerhood was about all we could handle.
And they both grew into pink clothes -- almost purple! Almost! That's Wisteria in the dress, and Huckleberry, the boy, in the pink tux. Oh, and they're stinky. It's kind of the status quo around the Yarn house.
But Wisteria gets points for having purple-y jamies! The purple gen twins will just have to wear their pink until Scuba is organized enough to go buy them some purple clothes :)
OH LOOK! A CONTENT TODDLER!!!!! (You may want to just stop reading here, lol!)
Scuba: *worry worry worry* Babies falling asleep in the bathroom can't be good!
Scuba's barely holding it together, he contracts both the flu and food poisoning during the twins toddlerhood, it lasts for what seems like forever.
Huckleberry and Wisteria do what they can. The semi-independence of toddlerhood can be so frustrating!
Scuba: *looks at Wisteria*
Wisteria: *looks at papa Scuba*
Wisteria:*cries from exhaustion*
Scuba: Me too! STOP CRYING!!!
More reinforcements.
And having a nanny around gives Scuba the energy he needs to be 'the good papa.'
That's all the babies wanted anyways! (No really, they rolled an awful lot of wants to interact with their papa!)
While the nanny watched the twins, Scuba finally had the energy to go out shopping. He had to get the twins some clothes, and he really needed to meet a pretty lady!
Scuba: Oh hi pretty lady I haven't met before!
Pretty Lady (Sophie): Oh hi handsome man with pointy ears!
Back at home in new purple pajamas ...
Wisteria: Waaaahhhh! I want out !! I stinky!! WAAAAHHHH!!!!
Scuba: *stares lovingly*
Huckleberry: *glares at sister* I tiwed!! Top!!!
... I can't decide if Wisteria was getting a head start to the treasure hunting, or if she was just looking for a quiet place to sleep, lol!
Huckleberry: WAHH! *wants bottle and can complain as loud as Wisteria*
Scuba: *falls asleep standing up*
Huckleberry love.
/ Wisteria crying for bottle spam.
Scuba: *moans* Feel .... so .... gross ...
Our beloved Treasure Hunter is really not up to snuff these days. He even invites random people walking down the sidewalk in for a chat. For example:
Scuba: Hi old man I haven't met before!
Old Man (Orlando): Hi!
Scuba: Nice to meet ya! Wanna come in and play with my screaming toddlers?
Old Man (Orlando): Uh ... *follows Scuba inside*
Huckleberry: Oh hai strange man! Out? *cute toddler charm*
Huckleberry: NO TICKLE! YUCK! NO THANK YOU!!!!
Huckleberry and Orlando: *minus*
I think Huckleberry is the only happy one in this shot. lol!
Scuba: Get me out of here!
Oh look! Another stranger!
Scuba: *hacks up a lung*
Don't look now ...
The twins are growing up!!! That's Wisteria on the left and Huckleberry with the awesome jump on the right. And again with the inappropriate non-purple jamies.
More puking.
Scuba: Homework already? ... Okay, "H" and then "U" and then "C" and then "K" ....
*mutters* Why did I give you such a long name?!
Again out buying new clothes for the twins, Scuba sees Pretty Lady Sophie!
Scuba: And you would not believe these two, they have this way of making the whole house just ....
Scuba: Oh nevermind, you don't want to hear about them. Have I told you how stunning you look?
Sophie: Not yet?
Scuba: You're gorgeous darling! *kisses*
*scribble scratching and muttering* Ahh the lovely sounds of twins being productive!
And the appropriately purpley clad twins head off for school.
Huckleberry: Oh boy! Maybe Wisteria will sit next to me on the bus and we can play Paper Rock Scissors!!!
Wisteria: Man! I can't believe Papa was *still* in the bathtub! I so wanted a bath before school!!
Ahh the glories of children in school. With the twins gone for a large chunk of the day, our Treasure Hunter was back in business!
But it hasn't all changed ....
Scuba: *pukes*
Huckleberry: haha! I just farted!
Wisteria: Would you all just *leave*!!!! I need a BATH!!!
(seriously, we're a little obsessed with bathes here at the Yarn house)
The treasure hunting is paying off! With the kids at school and his health finally on the mend, Scuba is able to redecorate. Mostly his favored blue, of course ... with hints of purple for Wisteria and Huckleberry :)
The twins were so busy crying and carrying on as toddlers, not a whole lot of skilling happened. Wisteria is determined to make up for it. She spends many evenings on the couch with her nose in a book.
Huckleberry, on the other hand, is eager to make friends. He's tired of being ignored and demands -- FRIENDS! NOW!!
Huckleberry: Oh hi girl from school! Do you want to be my friend? Yes?? AWESOME!! Have you ever eaten pancakes? I *love* pancakes ...
Wisteria: *reads*
Scuba: Ahhh, those distant stars. So beautiful ...
Me: ... so no hard feelings?
Wisteria: So Papa, I was reading about this one technique that was supposed to make lots of money, but it totally didn't!!
Wisteria: It was these elephants using robots to pick bananas! So funny!
Scuba: That reminds me of something else funny! When you were born!
Huckleberry: *chews meatballs slowly*
Wisteria: Wow, I totally did not read about that in a book ...
Wisteria: Were there elephants???
Scuba: ?? ...
Scuba: Well, I got really big and round, like an elephant!
Scuba: See, other sims say that a bird brings them their baby, a stork. It totally wasn't that way for me at all.
Wisteria and Huckleberry: *wait expectantly*
Scuba: *stuffs his face full of spaghetti*
... ?? End of conversation? I have a feeling that Wisteria and Huckleberry still have questions, probably more questions about their birth now, after that!
Scuba: Maybe if I see enough shooting stars, I'll know how to explain it all to Wisteria and Huckleberry.
Oh no! A fire! I still didn't buy them a smoke alarm!
*cue freak out* (Yes, Scuba continues to be awesome with his fire putting out skills.)
Wisteria: Somebody doooooo something!
Me: Sul Sul, Wisteria. Off to bed with you! This update is done!
Next time with the Yarns: more tantrums! And more romance for Scuba! Hooray!
60ish images behind the cut/link. Warnings for ... uh ... stinky toilets, stinky adults, stinky toddlers, and stinky diapers! Oh, and fire!