my hopes are so high, that your kiss might kill me
so won't you kill me
+ N A M E= L I Z Z Y
[10 Things About Yourself]
1] I have alot of nicknames.
2] I am a lyrics junkie. I love looking up random lyrics, and finding new songs
3] I am in love with the summer. Summer in general, and this summer[cape cod with Alex] in particular
4] Half the time I am very temperature sensitive
5] I've had red, redish-orange, yellow, green, blue, pink and purple hair. I'm done with dying it for now[its pink and green], after I'm dying it back to normal this weekend
6] My bedroom leads to the porch, so its easy to sneak out of
7] I don't like being ignored. If you ignore me, I'll ignore you right back
8] I would die without hugs.
9] I'm slightly insecure, but you can't tell until you get to know me.
10] My eyes turn green when I cry
[9 Of Your Friends And One Thing About Them]
1] Alex was my bestfriend over the summer only then we stopped. We went to Cape Cod together, sorta.
2] Joe used to talk to me everynight for atleast 30 minutes
3] Chris is a retarded seagull
4] Pawlina worked at the pool with me over the summer, and got her purse stuck around her waist
5] Olta, contrary to popular belief, is not stupid.
6] Pascal looks retarded when he turns his head to the left
7] Libby is the coolest. little seventh eight grader.
8] Josh is my favorite emo. like, ever.
9] Charlotte and me will be struttin' our stuff on the red carpet. aka mainstreet.
[8 Things You Would Like Right Now]
1] a hug[from you especially♥]
2] sleeping pills that one could OD on but not die
3] that pretty wine coloured blazer
4] the stars to come out
5] all the CDs I want
6] your smile. your heart. you.
7] straighter hair.
8] ballet slippers
[7 Things You Can Remember From Your Childhood]
1] Nateie
2] hiding from my parents in the slides at sterns
3] never going to camp, staying in my backyard with the sprinklers, pool and trampoline at the same time.
4] Having caring parents
5] Jamie.
6] Dress up
7] liking to read.
[6 Of Your Favourite Bands/Artists Right Now]
1] Jackson Browne
2] Red Hot Chili Peppers
3] Joni Mitchell
4] Fallout Boy
5] Ani Difranco
6] Boxcar Racer
[5 Things You Want To Achieve//Do Before You Die]
1] find true love
2] find heaven
3] find a unicorn
4] sky dive
5] learn to confess my feelings
[4 Things//People That Make You Happy]
1] music. my guitars, singing, listening to music
2] ♥ican'tsayyournamebutiloveyousomuchonly,youdon'tknow.
3] talking on the phone at all hours of the night
4] the summer/swimming
[3 Things You Wish Were Different About The World]
1] war.
2] trees.
3] I wish people didn't leave
[2 People You Miss Right Now]
1] joe/chris. they're one person
2] being great friends with alex/danny
[1 Thing You Regret]
1] growing up. I want to go back to when I was carefree, and when life was easy. no drama.
so. tomorrows a half day. yay.
I feel like a little like, ditzy girl.
I can not
believe that he touched me
it made me so happy
the way he was sort of,
and guiding me
oh my,
drake bell is
a cutie
mme engborg is dying
and we have a new teacher.
Don't like her very
much at
I failed
history test
so anyways.
will be a day
updating about.