So last week I posted about doing spring cleaning during spring break and having to buy a face mask to make getting rid of the rotten stuff that was in my refrigerator bare-able. What I meant to also add to that post was pictures. Except I couldn't find my camera, as I was high. So now, being not in such a state, here are the
This is me about half way through, notice the red rimmed eyes indicative of the atrocious smell that even the mask failed to cover (or possibly because I had recently woken up, it was an ungodly awful hour of the morning, and had just gone through an entire pot of really strong coffee)
This is was probably the worst horror to come out of my refrigerator, a curry so aged it might have been self aware (I cooked it sometime mid august, and sent it to its new home of the garbage dumpster mid march, in human terms it was 2 months away from being born)
Finally I think I want to make a naughty dentists LJ icon and those cheech and chong ones I said I was going to make ages ago but never did. But first I need cookies!